Keyword: bird

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American Robin

Posted on 03 May 2022

Cattle egret on snag

Posted on 02 May 2022

In morning light

Posted on 02 May 2022


Posted on 02 May 2022

a curious one

Posted on 01 May 2022

Heron through the fence

Posted on 30 Apr 2022

EOS 90D Peter Harriman 06 10 53 78290 gullRise dpp

Posted on 30 Apr 2022

Garrulus glandarius

Posted on 28 Apr 2022

Wood ducks (Aix sponsa)

Posted on 28 Apr 2022

junger Buchfink (?)

Posted on 27 Apr 2022

Yellow-throated vireo

Posted on 25 Apr 2022

Little blue heron

Posted on 25 Apr 2022

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Posted on 24 Apr 2022

Yellow breasted chat

Posted on 23 Apr 2022

Red-headed woodpecker

Posted on 21 Apr 2022

Rotmilan (Milvus milvus)

Posted on 19 Apr 2022

Spotted towhee

Posted on 17 Apr 2022


Posted on 17 Apr 2022

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