Keyword: bokeh

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Pictures for Pam, Day 11: Soft Feather for Macro M…

Reed Bed Seed Head

Pictures for Pam, Day 4: Glowing Teasel

Pictures for Pam, Day 3: Tiny Treasures

Lest We Forget

Pictures for Pam, Day 2: Caught Leaf

Common Nighthawk / Chordeiles minor

Pictures For Pam, Day 1: Nature's Lanterns

Alternate for Macro Monday 2.0: Soft

A pet 'rescue' Ferret

For the birds

Weathered door

Beauty in old age

Pumpkin season, kid-style

Day 2, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Rondeau PP

Day 2, Rose-breasted Grosbeak male / Pheucticus lu…

(Only the first 1 000 items are displayed.)