Keyword: face

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St John's College grotesque

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

St John's College grotesque

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

St John's College grotesque

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

St John's College grotesque

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

St John's College grotesque

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

St John's College grotesque

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

St John's College gargoyle

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015

stone head

Posted on 21 Sep 2015


Posted on 13 Sep 2015

(Only the first 1 000 items are displayed.)