Keyword: vert

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Blatt mit Tiefenwirkung

Posted on 09 Jul 2013

Moss on a tombstone

Posted on 27 Jun 2013

L I C H T fängerin

Posted on 22 Jun 2013

Rosen B L A T T

Posted on 15 Jun 2013

...tender flowers...

Posted on 12 Jun 2013

Fougère en brouillon

Posted on 12 Jun 2013

BESANCON: Une rose.

Posted on 12 Jun 2013

BESANCON: Une rose.

Posted on 12 Jun 2013

BESANCON: Une rose.

Posted on 12 Jun 2013

hello ;-)

Posted on 11 Jun 2013

Pfingstrose nach dem Regen

Posted on 29 May 2013

Campagna a Nazzano

Posted on 25 May 2013

Appenzell (Suisse)

Posted on 25 May 2013


Posted on 24 May 2013

BESANCON: Un arbre aux pochettes (Davidia Involucrata).

Posted on 16 May 2013

BESANCON: Un arbre aux pochettes (Davidia Involucrata).

Posted on 16 May 2013

BESANCON: Une jonquille.

Posted on 14 May 2013

BESANCON: Fleur Gentiane de Clusius (Gentiana clusii).

Posted on 07 May 2013