Вогняна симфонія світанку | |Fiery Symphony of the Rising Sun

Photos, taken earlier

Same photos taken earlier, nevertheless deserving to share, to my mind

Вогняна симфонія світанку | |Fiery Symphony of the…

24 Nov 2010 4 333
Same photos taken earlier, nevertheless deserving to share, to my mind.

Магія весни... | |Magic of spring

04 Apr 2010 14 15 638
Morning fog. The first days of April, about 8 AM. The last remnants of snow finally melted (in the forest shade, the snow disappears slowly), the sun warmed the damp forest and arised this marvelous light! I then made several more attempts to capture a similar atmosphere, but I was never lucky enough to catch such a soft light.

Свято-Михайлівський кафедральний собор | |St. Mich…

16 Dec 2010 7 5 403
Same photos taken earlier, nevertheless deserving to share, to my mind.

Celestial Eye | Небесне око

Happy Easter!

25 Apr 2012 4 146
Savior Transfiguration Cathedral on Easter days

Birch trees at spring evening