Khao Phra Vihaan map

A visit at Khao Phra Vihaan

In January 2000 this ancient place on Cambodian territory was opened for visitors a short time. My home place in Bangkok is opposite of the Thai Forest Department and we've very good connections to the officers who immediately informed us that this place we could have to visit. Due the permanent conflict between the local Cambodian and Thai officers about making the tourist business this very inte…  (read more)

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06 Dec 2007

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821 visits

Monks entering the Gopura complex

The first temple on the site was begun in the early 9th century; both then and in the following centuries it was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. The earliest surviving parts of the temple, however, date from the Koh Ker period in the early 10th century, when the empire's capital was at the city of that name. There are also elements of the Banteay Srei style of the late 10th century, but most of the temple was constructed under Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II in the first halves of the 11th and 12th centuries respectively. An inscription found at the temple gives a detailed account of Suryavarman II studying sacred rituals, celebrating religious festivals and making gifts, including white parasols, golden bowls and elephants, to his spiritual advisor, the aged Brahman Divakarapandita. The Brahman himself took an interest in the temple, according to the inscription, gifting it with a golden statue of a dancing Shiva.

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06 Dec 2007

645 visits

Debris of the Central Sanctuary

Most of the visitors at the ancient place were Thai monks although the historical remains are rests of the Hindu myth.

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06 Dec 2007

678 visits

Beautiful carved lintel being in good condition

Some carvings in this freestone are in such good condition that can clearly see the details. But the whole place of cultural interest needs to be restored as soon as possible before the weather condition will destroy more of the sensible sandstone.

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06 Dec 2007

586 visits

Way back to the first level

The temple ruins here are not in the best of shape. There has been little restoration of the ruins themselves here over the years, actually, none at all. The Cambodians are very poor and do not spend any money toward upkeeping the ruins. Conversely at another Khmer ruin inside of Thailand, the Khao Phanom Rung temple complex, the Thais have restored the ruins with the help of the French archaeologists and the grounds are well kept, beautiful even, and very clean and pleasant.

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06 Dec 2007

631 visits

Walking on the edge of Khao Phra Vihaan

A flag cannon still display the bad memory happened on this place before

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06 Dec 2007

592 visits

Naga Balustrade

The way from the third to the fourth level

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06 Dec 2007

789 visits

Very well preserved lintel

with gorgeous sandstone carvings

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06 Dec 2007

752 visits

Collapsed prang and lentil at the fourth level

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06 Dec 2007

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1 236 visits

Gopura of the third level

Gopura of the Third Level is the biggest and the most completed gopura; the building is similar to gopura of the first and second level. Beyond, there is a wall or a pa-rapet round a palace; archeologists calls prasat.
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