Map of the flooded area

The flood in Thailand 2011

Many of my friends and relatives beg me to be informed about our well-being and experience during the fatal flood happen right now in November 2011. Due the circumstances happen in our house I can't answer to every mail and call we get every day by telephone, Skype or eMail.
Please have patience I try to post some photos every day I capture out in front of our house and at the main road called Pha…  (read more)

Bus and boat side by side

06 Nov 2011 1 370
A common scene every where along the otherwise busy main road.

Abandoned food convenience restaurant

06 Nov 2011 407
The owner will return as soon as the flood level is getting lower. Normal days this restaurant is serving lunch for many employees of the surrounding companies, departments and agencies.

Boats transport, the best option

06 Nov 2011 1 361
Moving with boats is much faster and better than using cars, trucks or busses. There are some longtail boats already serving passengers transport.

A weird scene at Phaholytin high way

06 Nov 2011 407
In three decades I've never seen the flooded main road. in 1983 and 1995 we had already heavy floods, but not as much as the road was flooded.

Army truck evacuating residents

06 Nov 2011 699
Some local people leave their home for weeks to relatives or friends until water level will sink.

Teddy gets the bus for shopping

06 Nov 2011 1 376
We use every change to go out for buying the necessary needs, specially drinking water and instant noodles, eggs and rice. Teddy, our faithful friend from Liberia, gets the bus to go downtown where stores still offer the necessary needs.

Transport service from different intuitions

06 Nov 2011 343
Public bus service still goes on but with many handicaps, other companies and the Royal Thai Army of course care also for more transport aid.

Open air light meal restaurant

06 Nov 2011 390
The simple restaurant generally serve for nearby workers and company employees. They had to close for service just some hours before when water rise to half a meter.

Officers from Royal Forest Department

06 Nov 2011 326
One pump station isn't enough to drain the water out to the highway to keep passably dry our Soi. The Forest Department care for more help with a further pump machine.

Pick up cars plague through the flood

06 Nov 2011 354
Some cars and jeeps have prepared the exhaust and the air lighting to the top of the vehicle. That make it easier to pass through the floods.

Sand bags still keep water out

06 Nov 2011 496
More and more sand bags are delivered, each 20 kg. After piling 100 bags you feel exhausted and need a long break.

Our Soi out to the main road

06 Nov 2011 323
Residents are waiting for the next change to catch a lorry or bus who brings them to the next dry destination.

One more pump station

06 Nov 2011 313
All pumps working day and night to drain out the water from our area. We pump every half an hours to keep almost dry the interior of our home.

Other Soi close to our home

06 Nov 2011 1 308
Just 100 m away it was a dry area yesterday and changed to a pond over night.

Telephone booths under water but still in service

07 Nov 2011 400
The traffic sign in front at the right side has a fixed on measuring stick which shows the rising water level. At this picture it shows 30cm. Middle of the road its 45 cm - 50 cm.

Sand bag protection inside our dinning room

08 Nov 2011 8 471
We have to pump every half an hours, day and night. Perfect protection isn't possible.

At home in the garden

Front of our house estate

06 Nov 2011 361
We use every change to get out for buying all the needs, the days after getting moer and more difficult.

79 items in total