Québec, Pris du Parlement.

Town = Quebec City

18 Oct 2013

245 visits

Québec, Pris du Parlement.

This card was mailed at Quebec City on September 22, 1905 and addressed to Mademoiselle Marie Gallery des Granges à Cigné (something I can't make out), Mayenne, France. The card is printed entirely in French and was published by Pruneau & Kirouac of Quebec.

19 Oct 2013

250 visits

Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canada.

Postmarked at Quebec, August 28, 1909, a Warwick Bros. & Rutter card (no. 466) with the intricate Warwick back. Writer notes "This city is full of charm" -- addressed to Mrs. Oscar Beebe, Orient Point, Long Island, New York.

19 Oct 2013

235 visits

Quebec Bridge - Pont Quebec

Weiss Import Co., Montreal, no. 113, unused.

30 Oct 2013

201 visits

Chateau Frontenac and Lower Quebec

Postmarked Sept. 5, 1907 at Quebec and mailed to Miss Ethel Bryant, L. Fassmont St., Woburn, Mass. This is Tuck "Oilette" no. 2559 (each of the Quebec City cards has this same number).

10 Jan 2014

289 visits

Laval Monument, Quebec

Mailed March 28, 1911 at Montreal to Miss L. Price of Birmingham once again. Valentine & Sons card no. 104,365.

11 Jan 2014

229 visits

6002 - Dufferin Terrace & Chateau Frontenac, Quebec

Detroit Photographic Co., 1901.

11 Jan 2014

252 visits

6008 - St. Louis Gate & Grand Alleé, Quebec.

Detroit Photographic Co., 1901.

11 Jan 2014

240 visits

6009 - A Quebec Caleche.

Detroit Photographic Co., 1901 copyright.

12 Jan 2014

201 visits

Quebec. Break Neck Steps - L'escalier de la Rue Champlain.

Postmarked at Hochelaga, Quebec on September 13, 1905 to Mr. J. Hulmes, 5, Barker St., Newton Heath, Manchester, England. It has a list of countries which permit the use of the correspondence section of the reverse (Canada, U.S., France, Switzerland, Great Britain and Italy).
15 items in total