Loading the Grain, Canadian West.

Publisher = MacFarlane

Folder: Publishers

23 Jul 2013

249 visits

Loading the Grain, Canadian West.

A Macfarlane card, B.381. Doesn't seem to be in the Smith guidebook.

16 Sep 2013

272 visits

Parliament Building, Victoria, B.C.

MacFarlane no. 119, showing the Parliament Building at Victoria, B.C. with a message dated May 17, 1904: "Dearest E--- where I am now staying is just by the Parliament buildings where the X is. I have only heard from you once since I have been back. Have you addressed your letters properly? Am sending letter tomorrow. Best wishes and love, T. S. (?) P." Nice example of the first numbered series by W. G. MacFarlane of Toronto.

19 Sep 2013

252 visits

Dock at Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C.

MacFarlane no. 115. Undivided back postmarked August 17, 1904 and sent to Miss Lida Browne c/o M. R. A. Ltd., King Street, St. John, New Brunswick. While the postmark reads simply "Bowden, Alta.", the sender has added "N. W. T." as would have been accurate until the next September when Alberta became a province.

20 Sep 2013

296 visits

Mount Begbie and Columbia River, Revelstoke, B.C.

Number 260 in the MacFarlane series, this undivided Private Mailing Card was postmarked at Macleod (?), Alberta on February 25, 1904 and mailed to Mrs. R. W. Young, Dumgree, Blenheim, New Zealand. "Would it hurt you to write a *little oftener*"?

28 Sep 2013

283 visits

Public Schools - 1906 -1907 - 1908 - Swift Current, Sask.

Posted at Swift Current, May 26, 1908, this has a W.M.T.O. monogram in a circle on the back, which I suspect stands for William MacFarlane, Toronto, Ontario.

19 Oct 2013

219 visits

Buffaloes at Silver Heights, near Winnipeg

MacFarlane card no. 453 -- "25 - 11 - 04 Dear F + M Guess the garden looks somewhat bleak now. Write next week. Love +c. Yours +c. George." Postmarked November 28, 1904 at Grand View, Man. to Mrs Gilbert, 26 Coventry Road, Hinckley, England.

19 Oct 2013

221 visits

Buffaloes, at Silver Heights, Winnipeg

Addressed to Miss Millie Booth, 53 Essex Street, Halifax, England. Postmarked Woodlea, Manitoba, May 10, 1907. Divided-back MacFarlane card no HA 107.

19 Oct 2013

211 visits

City Hall and Volunteer Monument, Winnipeg

No. 72 in MacFarlane's first series. "Private Mailing Card" undivided back, unused.

28 Sep 2013

257 visits

Deer Lodge, at Silver Heights, Winnipeg.

MacFarlane card HA.110. The stamp has been removed but there is enough of the cancellation to show that it was sent or received in December 1906. The message on the front is presumably in Flemish. The sender is J. B. Vigneron of St. Boniface and the recipient appears to be a Mr. St. Elfons Van de Broeck (?), "school master"), Lovenjoul by Leuven, Belgium. The handwriting is difficult to read. The card is quite intricately coloured, making for a convincing overall effect. Same image on www.ipernity.com/doc/wintorbos/44381896 (possibly the work of Barrowclough).
24 items in total