
street and people

railway station

09 Mar 2015 21 11 804
NTSC: Leading lines please press Z

sticking her tongue

jazz evening

27 Nov 2014 29 18 980
NTSC: Low-Key


09 Mar 2015 19 13 762
NTSC: Leading lines please press Z

going down

02 Apr 2015 15 8 694
NTSC: looking down

skating rink

18 Feb 2015 37 24 956
TSC: panning "Sports Mode" in the evening In the center of Helsinki is a small skating rink and a lot of people are enjoying themselves In the note a guy having fun too :D

skating rink 2

17 Feb 2015 19 12 717
NTSC: Panning Totally manual

learning to skate

skating lesson one for two


07 Jun 2012 5 3 556
inside this zone you 're invisible for the ones outside tämän alueen sisäpuolella olet näkymäton sen ulkopuolella oleville dans cet zone ici vous êtes invisible pour les gens en dehors .......

meeting place

glass bottle music

28 Jan 2015 55 43 1094
TSC: shoot a stranger / street lets keep processing to a 'dull roar' this week, show off those faces, bodies... whatever part of the person you choose to shoot. Like go ahead and crop and play a bit, even add a texture just keep your main person recognizable. Glass Bottle Music I found another link of the same bottle player CWP: "Buskers" (street artists) - first prize, shared please enlarge on black


08 Jun 2011 14 8 752
NTSC: shoot a stranger / street

meeting place

12 Jan 2015 43 27 983
TSC: Selective Colouring Selecting coloring I ´ve done when needed. Difficult to do it as a challenge. Most of my pictures I take when moving in different places, so this one of those very colorful seats in the shopping mall nearby. In the note I have been using "the eyedropper tool" on the orange shirts HBM folks!

juice makers

13 Jan 2015 8 10 479
NTSC: selective coloring

117 items in total