Wierd Folkersma's photos

light beam


13 Jul 2013 42 39 745
TSC: doors please press Z to see it on black

National Museum Brasilia, Brazil

15 Apr 2013 14 5 479
architect: Oscar Niemeyer

railway station

09 Mar 2015 21 11 798
NTSC: Leading lines please press Z

sticking her tongue


09 Mar 2015 19 13 756
NTSC: Leading lines please press Z


11 Mar 2015 59 51 1066
TSC: Leading Lines Helsinki University Library In the notes two more of the same building


11 Mar 2015 21 5 680
NTSC: Leading Lines Helsinki University Library CWP: Ein Blick nach oben, 3th prize


11 Mar 2015 21 8 671
Helsinki University Library

last snow and ice

05 Mar 2015 31 16 619
It should be still winter, but it looks like spring has started already NTSC: HDR and Leading lines


29 Aug 2010 28 15 544
10-Week Picture Projects: TREES, Wk 10 (March 09-15): Flowering or Fruiting Tree(s)


04 Mar 2015 30 42 760
TSC: HDR Done experiments with HDR in different programs, it was very interesting to try, did not like the results too much and ended up in posting this type of picture, processed by Photomax and Lightroom, a sculpture of Hilda Flodin www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIRYmwbBitM In the note a landscape also processed with Photomax and Lightroom


island of deciduous trees

16 Feb 2014 58 19 789
10-Week Picture Projects: TREES, Wk 9 (March 02-08): Deciduous Tree(s)

night and day

25 Feb 2015 36 29 699
TSC: Tree One of my favourites trees, also here


2213 items in total