How was it ?

Langdale Gala 2017

Folder: Lake District and Cumbria

02 Jul 2017

3 favorites


123 visits

How was it ?

First sheep sheared. Langdale Gala 2017

02 Jul 2017

76 visits

Job done !

02 Jul 2017

2 favorites


114 visits

Missing my wooly coat

Herdwick Sheep ( Ram)

02 Jul 2017

1 favorite

1 comment

103 visits

Perhaps we do look smarter now !

02 Jul 2017

101 visits

All that Jazz

02 Jul 2017

118 visits

Boys Sprint race

02 Jul 2017

121 visits

Dancing and banging sticks

I guess these are Morris Men but I bet they have another name in Cumbria ?

02 Jul 2017

106 visits

Langdale Gala Craft Tent

02 Jul 2017

95 visits

Junior Fell Race

Langdale Gala 2017
14 items in total