Last sun of the day hits Shire Hill

Uploaded 2011

03 Oct 2011

89 visits

Kinder Reservoir

View on map

03 Oct 2011

104 visits

Track towards Kinder Downfall

03 Oct 2011

103 visits

The Cage at Lyme Park from above Kinder Reservoir

03 Oct 2011

97 visits

White Brow across Kinder Reservoir

03 Oct 2011

96 visits

Kinder from Broad Clough

03 Oct 2011

115 visits

Kinder Low from the Oaken Clough path

03 Oct 2011

122 visits

Ashop Head on Kinder across Kinder Reservoir Dam

03 Oct 2011

134 visits

Hill Houses

28 Sep 2011

102 visits

Shire Hill from Mossy Lea Farm

141 items in total