

Folder: All Wildlife

26 Aug 2013

1 favorite

96 visits


Spotted me !

26 Aug 2013

102 visits


Lots of youngsters around today in the sunshine

31 Aug 2013

1 favorite

95 visits

Meadow Pipit

28 Aug 2013

100 visits

Swallows waiting for even more to eat

29 Aug 2013

1 favorite

117 visits

Ring Ouzels in Rowan

Ring Ouzels love Rowan berries. this family had found a good supply. Unfortunately this was in poor light and drizzle.

12 Sep 2013


107 visits

When shall we go ?

These Swallows seemed to be discussing travel plans.

12 Sep 2013

1 comment

111 visits

Swallows and House Martins

lots of chatter on a sunny afternoon

13 Sep 2013

88 visits

Who is on top ?

@darkpeakbirder pointed out that above the three Swallows its a Sand Martin

15 Sep 2013

100 visits

Swallows in the rain

Around 60 at Moorfield Glossop
154 items in total