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Mandarin Drake Duck

Mandarin Drake Duck

Jörg, Thérèse, Keith Burton, Xata and 4 other people have particularly liked this photo

Certainly a male Colin, the female is less colourful. When I first saw one of these I thought it was a child's toy stuck in the middle of a pond until it started to swim away.
3 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
These Mandarins are just so beautiful Colin. Its been a while now since I last saw any, and then usually in parks. Great catch. Well done.

Keep safe. Herb
3 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
An excellent shot Colin................they're such beauties! I love the details you've captured and the reflection is lovely too. The duck really stands out against the darker background.
3 years ago.

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