the winning throw


10 Jun 2014

6 favorites


549 visits

the winning throw

Klaus Wolfermann at the Olympics Munich 1972 Praktica PL nova I, 3,5/200mm Beroflex, 2* Telekonverter

10 Jun 2014

2 favorites

527 visits

self-imposed isolation

the athletes form GDR, UDSSR and CUBU sit during the high jump in the decathlon seperated behind the high jump mat. At the Olympics Munich 1972 I wanted to shot the jumper, not the polical realities ;-) I have not noticed until now this content. Praktica PL nova I, 3,5/200mm Berofelx, 2* Telekonverter

10 Jun 2014

3 favorites


504 visits

wuusch ......

at the Olympics Munich 1972 Praktica PL nova I, 3,5/200mm Berofelx, 2* Telekonverter

10 Jun 2014

3 favorites

536 visits

pole vault #2

from 1977, taken with Praktica PL nova I

10 Jun 2014

10 favorites


685 visits

pole vault #1

from 1977 taken with Praktica PL nova I normaly I do not like negative margins, but here it had to be, otherwise I would not belive it by myself However, the picture above is a godsend.

28 Jun 2013

17 favorites

809 visits

doing the hurdles

Pratika PL nova I, Beroflex 3,5/200mm AGFA Agafachrome CT 18

10 Apr 2016

26 favorites


880 visits

the lonely sculler III

11 Apr 2016

3 favorites

1 comment

421 visits

the lonely sculler I

11 Apr 2016

4 favorites

453 visits

the lonely sculler II

12 items in total