A grey evening in July 2


03 Jul 2007

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512 visits

A grey evening in July 2

This is a B&W picture. I actually love B&W, and can’t understand why I don’t use it more often. I also love the view from our balcony when there’s nothing to see... ;-)

09 Jun 2007

792 visits

Berend Jan Visser #2

Dit pak is echter zonder enige twijfel grijs.

27 May 2007

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1 comment

851 visits

Cora (about four years old)

I think I shot this picture somewhere in Italy. It must have been after dinner in the late evening: while my wife and I were enjoying our espresso and Amaretto di Saronno (inferred), Cora was eating her icecream (proven by another picture) and clearly still being absorbed by it. Scan of a medium format negative film. Substandard quality –thank God for the digital darkroom.

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29 Apr 2007

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450 visits


Decaying tulips may actually look better in B&W than in their color version.

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26 May 2007

524 visits

Rose 1 (B&W)

This rose can also be viewed in “vulgar pink”.

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19 May 2007

509 visits


Scan of a 6x6 negative film.

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19 May 2007

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689 visits

Oostknollendam - Cemetery

Scan of a 6x6 negative film.

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12 Apr 2007

570 visits

Neo in the Netherlands

I’m sitting on an AlphaSmart accessory (courtesy of my mother) hitherto neglected in our Group: it provides supreme mobility in old age, an area to sit and write on, and a basket which seems to be tailored for AlphaSmart devices or, as here, just the neoprene sleeve.

12 Apr 2007

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337 visits


In the eyes of some, this will have to be listed as pornography, but it is true: I’ve been focussing on the part that defines me...
15 items in total