My life with AlphaSmart began in 2003, when the AS 3000 was featured in a newspaper article. I became a member of the user forum, and one of its admins after it had moved to Flickr:
Neo in the Netherlands
I’m sitting on an AlphaSmart accessory (courtesy of my mother) hitherto neglected in our Group: it provides supreme mobility in old age, an area to sit and write on, and a basket which seems to be tailored for AlphaSmart devices or, as here, just the neoprene sleeve.
Neo in the Netherlands
Have I told you I’m the proud owner of a digital camera now?
Neo in the Netherlands (domestic)
The hand on the top left is my daughter’s, and so is the chewing gum.
Walking my Neo
“What the ... am I doing here?”
Yes, indeed. At least, this is a nice clean piece of grass. No dog would dare to trespass...
20 Jun 2007
The AlphaSmart 3000 changing trains in Duisburg, Germany. The insert shows
an enlargement of its display, and allows to date the picture in the Summer
of 2004.
My scanner doesn¹t work as well as I¹d wish. So I¹ve manipulated the
original color photo a bit. The screen shot, however, is true to nature.
20 Jun 2007
AlphaSmart Tag
This is the tag I keep on my working bag, an ideal solution for anyone who wants to pass for an AlphaSmart salesman. ;-)
In a strange fit of discretion I’ve removed the address. But don’t think you’re not welcome to visit us: just send me a PM...
07 May 2007
AlphaSmart in Bavaria 1
View through one of our garden house’s windows (yes, it needs cleaning).
The AlphaSmart is the 3000 US model, for ol’ times’ sake. It was awarded to me for my participation in the long defunct AlphaSmart Community Center, an honor I share with quite a few members of the AlphaSmart Group on Flickr.
Merry Christmas!
This is “Merry Christmas!” in Klingon... To be quite PC, I’d have to wish you all “Happy Holidays” or something like that, but I don’t like it when political correctness leads to saying nothing at all. Be assured: With “Christmas” I mean whatever you choose to celebrate, this time of the year.
Besides, what is right for Klingonians can’t be wrong for human beings, can it?
BTW, this is one of the angels made by our daughter’s class to be sold at a Christmas bazaar: they used penne for bodies, maccheroni for arms, farfalle for wings... But don’t think it was an inexpensive affair: the white paint smudged Cora’s black jacket; we couldn’t get it off, and she demanded a replacement.
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