Sun Shine (Detail)


Male Bonding

19 Jul 2009 1 272
Free Music Festival - July, 2009

Macaws and Admirer

05 Jul 2010 1 2 241
Corner pet shop - West Village - New York City - June, 1982

Luxury of Shade

11 May 2010 6 7 388
Mid-day sun - deserted (formerly inhabited) island in the southern Caribbean - July, 1995

Lush Greens, Ocean Air

31 Jan 2011 3 3 282
Interior view - Barbados - February, 1999 (Please "View on Black" or in larger sizes for best effect)

Lunch on the Steps

17 Apr 2010 6 1 374
Capri, Italy - August, 1991

Lucy, Peering from the Shadows

02 Mar 2010 4 2 529
(For best effect - please view on black)

Lucy Resting in the Sun

16 Mar 2010 13 10 645
October, 2009 (Please "View on Black" for best effect)

Lucy Comes Up for Air

16 Apr 2010 31 5 839
Terrified by the thunder of a passing storm, Lucy emerged an hour later from her shelter under the bed.

Low Blows

13 May 2011 8 5 322
These bands of clouds undulated over the terrain at a low altitude and at amazing speed. Though this shot shows the sun breaking free of the clouds, it cannot show the volleys of ice-cold raindrops laying noisy siege to my parked vehicle. Nature park - May 6, 2011 (Please "View on Black" or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Lovin' His Biceps

05 Oct 2009 236
Music Festival - May, 2002

Losing My Religion

02 Feb 2010 6 1 669
"But that was just a dream That was just a dream Just a dream, just a dream Dream" - R.E.M.

Loplop Introduces Members of the Surrealist Group

19 Feb 2010 2 1 1170
Max Ernst - 1931 Photographs, pencil and pencil frottage.

Long Shadows

22 Jul 2010 2 446
Pausing boarder - sports park - September, 2009 (Please view in larger sizes for best effect)

Long & Lean - Reflections

15 Mar 2011 3 2 272
These two rockers returned and stood in the same place against the wall for all three days of the event. Outdoor music festival - September, 2010 (Please "View on Black" or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Lone Rocker

17 Jan 2011 6 3 295
Anticipating the upcoming set from the next band, a bearded looker stands alone in front of the main stage. Music festival, September, 2010 (Please in larger sizes for best effect)

Lone Pigeon Escapes the Summer Crowds

30 Jun 2010 3 4 429
Siena, Italy - August, 1991 (Please view in large size or higher for best effect.)

Lone Fisherman at Dusk

27 Feb 2004 7 5 419
Pacific coast, Mexico - February, 2004

Location, Location, Location

04 Nov 2010 4 6 286
Merchant stalls for buying and selling thrive on these streets as they have for millennia. Open-air market - Rhodes City - Rhodes, Greece - August, 1996 (Please "View on Black" for best effect)

1064 items in total