Tinker's photos


24 Apr 2018 29
Liège-Guillemins railway station, waiting for my trains back to Chastre. This was probably my worst Belgian train experience. The Belgian rail website gave me an itinerary with Liège-Ottignies-Chastre, with the cryptic message "you may need two tickets". The machine gave me one. I passed Gembloux - next station Ottignies - and the conductor came, saw my ticket and dressed me down very loudly, that I should got off in Gembloux. I showed him the app and he said it didn't matter, I should have got off in Gembloux!! That otherwise I needed two tickets. I asked where I could get another ticket, and he shouted back it was TOO LATE but to remember it for next time. Still not sure where or how I should have got the second ticket

Belgian beer

24 Apr 2018 57
La Botteresse Noire, from Brasserie La Botteresse de Sur-les Bois


24 Apr 2018 61
For my last day in Liège, and despite the cold weather (it went from 28 a few days ago to 12) I decided to go and have a café liégeois, local speciality, at the nearby Brasserie de l'Univers. A bit like an iced coffee, but this one also had genièvre in it


23 Apr 2018 49
Making sushi: Eugénie's third onorimaki was perfect. We were all too full to eat it, so it will be for lunch tomorrow


23 Apr 2018 49
Making sushi: Eugénie's first onorimaki was a little loose, but after that she had the hang of it. We had way too much for three people


23 Apr 2018 53
Making sushi: Eugénie is an excellent cook and wanted to learn how to make sushi. I showed her how to prepare the rice, and we got a variety of fillings for making onorimaki: omelette strips, spring onions, avocado, shiitake, cucumber, fresh salmon and smoked mackerel. Here Eugénie is performing the correct meditation prior to making the next onorimaki

Belgian beer

23 Apr 2018 65
Oud Beersel Framboise. Very nice, but not as nice as the Lindemans Framboise www.oudbeersel.com/en

Belgian beer

23 Apr 2018 57
Blanche de Namur Apple, from Brasserie du Bocq. Very refreshing and generally noice

Belgian beer

23 Apr 2018 55
That's right, the name of this beer is Delirium Tremens! It has been rated as the "best beer in the world" but it did not really appeal to me. Their website slogan is "Welcome into the world of the Pink Elephant". Brouwerij Huyghe

Belgian beer

23 Apr 2018 65
This brewery Sainte Nitouche was at the La Cité De La Bière festival, but I didn't get one because I disapproved (in a slightly sozzled way) of the logo. Sainte Nitouche is the term for a "young girl or woman who plays prudish, who hypocritically takes offended airs". Eugénie bought me this one anyway, and it was incredibly good! www.saintenitouche.be


23 Apr 2018 56
Having a smoko with Georges Simenon (or at least, with his statue) at Rue de la Violette


23 Apr 2018 57
I decided to try their Chemin du Peket - a tasting of six different Pekets Fruités. I tried: chocolat blanc (white chocolate), figue de Barbarie (cactus fruit), framboise (raspberry), mûres (blackberry), banane (guess), and melon (ditto). Not that strong, and very tasty. At La Maison du Peket


23 Apr 2018 53
Catharinette, a drink consisting of Peket, raspberry syrup and blonde beer, served with ice. Perfect drink for a hot day


23 Apr 2018 59
Catharinette, a drink consisting of Peket, raspberry syrup and blonde beer, served with ice. Perfect drink for a hot day


23 Apr 2018 68
selfie with Eugénie at La Maison du Peket, enjoying a Catharinette, a drink consisting of Peket, raspberry syrup and blonde beer


23 Apr 2018 55
selfie with Eugénie at La Maison du Peket, enjoying a Catharinette, a drink consisting of Peket, raspberry syrup and blonde beer


23 Apr 2018 54
La Maison du Peket - they have been consistently recommended by Le Routard, the foremost French language travel guide (Routard is the French term for backpacker)


23 Apr 2018 50
La Maison du Peket. The puppets on the wall are also Liège symbols. The man is Tchantchès, who is a folkloric figure who appears in a variety of artforms

1617 items in total