Diana Australis' photos

Electrical shop, Kashgar

Metalworkers, Kashgar

Kyrghiz herders, Karakoram Highway

05 Jul 2011 2 390
In the high Pamirs, China. Only vehicle seen in 6 hours

Kashgar blacksmith

05 Jul 2011 1 455
Mudbrick buildings, old city

Karakoram Highway Chinese side

05 Jul 2011 404
A difficult road!

Mosque doorway, Kashgar

05 Jul 2011 1 344
Women wearing the brown face veils.

Sign for food ahead...kangaroo, camel and emu! Des…

22 Oct 2010 2 1 800
800 km north of Adelaide.


19 Apr 2010 1 387
Street art...gallery sign

Palafitos Chiloe, Chilean Patagonia

07 Apr 2010 5 3 488
Houses on stilts....over the sea. Painted gorgeous colours

Hospedaje, Valparaiso

19 Apr 2010 1 388
A door to look upon!

Putre village. Chilean Antiplano

27 Apr 2010 7 4 495
In the Andes at 3500 meters, near the Bolivian border.

Chengdu, China

03 Jul 2011 1 4 450
Giant ad on building

Hornopiren. Chilean Patagonia

12 Apr 2010 21 8 638
On the Carretera Austral

Atacama Desert Chile

24 Apr 2010 3 2 351
Santa Laura Nitrate plant...abandoned. World Heritage Site

Road to Siachen near Pakistan border, India

05 Aug 2009 4 4 6413
Nubra Valley Border Roads sign in situ. It reads, "Alert to life, rough to death" whatever that may mean! This is in the remote Karakoram Range at 4000meters...these signs are every kilometer or so in the wilderness here!

India: Border Roads sign, Nubra Valley Ladakh

05 Aug 2009 2185
John's favourite. "Sans geographie on est nulle part". It is in the middle of NOWHERE. Near Line of Control with Pakistan at 4000 meters in high altitude desert

India:Border Roads sign, Nubra Valley Ladakh

05 Aug 2009 2898
My favourite . "Essayez d'atteindre les etoiles, meme s'il faut se tenir sur un cactus".on Near Line of Control (Siachen Glacier) with Pakistan at 4000meters. ....where there is almost zero vegetation, zero poulation, and certainly no cactus!

Tribal woman, India

12 Mar 2011 5 3 487
Dhorimanna, Thar Desert. The women here wear elaborate jewellery, brilliant coloured dresses, and dupattas (head coverings).

2109 photos in total