Diana Australis' photos

Perito Moreno Glacier

27 Mar 2010 52 33 818
Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina All best wishes for a fabulous weekend, Covid free!

Food vendor: nasi Padang

08 Feb 2011 35 22 573
Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. A town after my heart. I speak Indonesian and have spent lots of time with my local ‘adopted’ family here, in their home, between 1988 and 2017. Padang food is amazing. This is on the extraordinary market in the town.the vendor is a long time friend

No....no....no.... Blow that after 2020..just do i…

20 Jan 2012 25 23 1389
Sign at temple. Kuantan. Malaysia. Malay/Chinese/Chinglish. To heck with it all....eat, drink and be as Merry as possible! My very, very best wishes and thoughts for an enjoyable Christmas, and for an infinitely better 2021. Sincerely!

Buddhist Hell 3

12 Jul 2006 25 18 4490
Sri Lanka temple diorama. Moral: Be very good!


16 Mar 2011 37 23 919
Dwarka, in Gujarat. A place of pilgrimage for Hindus. We saw and passed thousands of pilgrims, in their traditional dress, as with these Gujarati farmers here. They were walking hundreds of kilometres to this coastal temple town. It was 48C this day, as it was every day we were exploring all over the state. HFF to all friends....thinking of you all at this difficult time of virus. Keep safe. Hope you and your loved ones are well

Morning at 4000 meters

05 Jan 2015 67 46 962
Arunachal Pradesh. Himalaya, India. We slept the night in a vehicle here in -8 degrees at this altitude, after a heavy storm closed the road for the night. This is the road......and the vehicle was a ramshackle public bus with broken windows and wooden seats. We had no sleeping bags or super warm clothes!

Key Gompa (monastery)

15 Aug 2009 42 26 621
Kye Gompa is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery located on top of a hill at an altitude of 4,166 metres above sea level, close to the Spiti River, in the Spiti Valley of Himachal Pradesh, Lahaul and Spiti district, India. It is the biggest monastery of Spiti Valley and a religious training centre for lamas. I spent a couple of weeks along this river valley....fascinating high altitude Tibetan communities. It is very, very remote, and cut off for at least 6 months of the year by high, snow covered passes, close to 5000meters.

HFF from South Australia

17 Jun 2019 45 44 339
Fence in the main (only) street of Marrée, a central desert town in South Australia. Formerly the terminus of the legendary Ghan railway, and home to the Afghan cameleers who kept remote communities alive with their camel trains across this hostile land. Love and hugs to all...stay Covid safe

HFF....a lying down fence=path?

29 Mar 2010 60 51 569
A bit cheeky! Cerro Torre in Argentine Patagonia.....a place that blows me away! Sorry to be a bit slow..left handed typing as my right is still painful and in a large plaster cast! My thumb joint was destroyed by arthritis. The orthopaedic surgeon removed a bone, drilled another bone, re-routed a Tendon, and removed a ganglion. It is sore and is in a cast for 6 weeks, then a splint! Wishing everyone safety..,Covid is insane at present. Sending hugs and best wishes...Diana


10 Jul 2020 67 50 485
From Karoonda, South Australia. This is part of a Silo Art trail. Many small rural communities in Australia have taken to painting murals on their aging concrete silos. Each can be seen as a snapshot of the town. Have a fabulous Friday, and keep safe in these troubled days. Big virtual hugs to all.

Stay well!

02 Sep 2020 31 22 347
A cheerful message from this Major Mitchell cockatoo in the wild in outback Australia. Sending huge wishes and hugs and hopes for you all to stay safe and well. Thanks for visiting!


25 Aug 2018 56 44 420
Callanish, on the Isle of Lewis....Hebrides Sending very best wishes from Australia, and hoping that with the severity of this new wave of Covid, and the lockdowns, that you stay safe and well. All the best for the coming week.

Termite mounds

26 Aug 2020 40 26 298
Northern Territory, Central Australia

HFF from Tierra del Fuego

16 Mar 2010 49 40 404
Harberton Estancia, established in the 19th century. The most southerly farm in the world. It is on the Beagle Channel, quite some distance from the southernmost town in the world, Ushuaia. Thinking of all friends in Europe as the Covid gets crazier....take great care and stay safe and well. Thanks for visits and comments

Inca walls

26 Sep 2016 35 17 240
The extraordinary mediaeval Inca walls in Cuzco, which the Spanish were delighted to find. Often they reused them to build official Spanish buildings. Some, like this, are intact!


22 Oct 2016 47 34 317
Olinda is a UNESCO town in north east Brazil, in the State of Pernambuco, on the coast. Settled almost 500 years ago by the Portuguese, this hilly town of cobbled streets and coloured, art filled spaces, became home in the 70s to large numbers of artists. It has an enormous Carnaval which brings a million people in to swell its small population during its celebrations. It has marvellous old Portuguese historical sites and lots of art, in tropical splendour. Best wishes to all for the week ahead. The news about the resurgence of Covid in Europe is so worrying. Hoping everyone keeps safe and healthy. Thanks for visits and comments...so appreciated.

In the wild...a thorny devil

02 Sep 2020 42 29 341
An Australian lizard, found only in the arid and central desert lands. They eat ants and tiny insects. They look formidable, but are quite small, only about 20cm long. Thorny Devil.....(moloch horridus) We came upon it in Central Australia near Uluru recently. They are quite unique creatures.


09 Oct 2020 39 37 331
The fenced track from the beach at Grange, South Australia.....up to a heritage row of Victorian terraces. Have a very good Friday, and I hope you keep well and safe from the surge in Covid infections. Thank you very much for your visits and comments. I really do appreciate them.

2112 items in total