tiabunna's favorite photos

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By LotharW

40 favorites

HFF, liebe Ipernityfreunde. Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende! Bleibt gesund.

Mit dieser Aufnahme aus dem Kölner Dom möchte ich mich heute schon aus meinem Ipernity-Jahr 2024 verabschieden und bedanke mich für die vielen netten Kommentare, mit denen Ihr meine Fotos immer so wunderbar bedacht habt. Ich wünsche Euch eine geruhsame Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Jahreswechsel. Wir sehen uns im nächsten Jahr hoffentlich gesund und munter wieder. Maat et joot! (Macht es gut!)

By Old Owl

14 favorites


A Happy Fence Friday to everyone. May your days (and weekends and December) be merry and bright. This is a fibro fence, very common throughout WA (and probably all of rural and suburban Australia too). Simple, plain and functional; what more could we ask of a fence.

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By Robert Swanson

20 favorites

Delicate Arch at Sunrise

We did not hike up to Delicate Arch; the folks you see in the photo, did. We were at the viewpoint far down in the valley. Used the maximum telephoto with my Panasonic GX85. The rising sun has just touched 2/3's of the Arch. Some of the photographers on the mountain still have their tripods set up. Each moment was a different view, as the sun lit various parts of the scene. Image processed with GIMP. Oh yes, 600mm equivalent Panasonic zoom telephoto. There was a very nice log railing all around the viewpoint area, which I used as a "tripod".

Fall Collection

By Gabi Lombardo

29 favorites

not only the leaves fall in autumn...

gabilombardo.weebly.com www.flickr.com/photos/gabi16

By Jean-louis Thiaudiere

28 favorites

La Casse déserte au col de L'Izoard.

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By Dimas Sequeira

12 favorites

Ankylosaurus (cretacic period).

One of several dinosaur sculptures of Lourinhã (the dinosaurs capital). This one stands at Our Lady of the Angels Garden.

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By Stephan Fey

44 favorites

Eilseeschwalbe (Thalasseus bergii)

By Steve Paxton

9 favorites

Its starting to look like Christmas.

My wife chose the day to set up the tree, It looks cool but on a 41c day it was any thing but, lucky nothing here melts. Even the snow was Melt free around this tree. Enjoy the light show. Merry Christmas to Every body, hope you all have a great time with family and friends, reflect on this one BIG family here and the world we live in. Enjoy this time of year.
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