

No claims to be more than a place to bring together my photos taken in England.

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05 Mar 2019

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660 visits

Cutty Sark

Built for the China tea trade and launched in 1869, the Cutty Sark was intended to be the fastest sailing clipper. She was up against some stiff competition from the likes of the Thermopylae . In their only direct race from China, the Cutty Sark lost her rudder and a new one had to be built and fitted, resulting in her losing by seven days. Unlike the Thermopylae though, she has been preserved. Now on display after being almost destroyed by a dreadful fire, a visit to her was a high priority. Second image in PiP and best viewed large. Explored.

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04 Mar 2019

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Ropes and rigging

On the Cutty Sark , the masses of ropes and rigging became even more striking. Inside the ship, I found a detailed illustration of it all (see PiP). It's amazing that the crew needed to know all these fittings by name and to be able to adjust them quickly. Best viewed large on black. Explored.

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26 Feb 2019

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Vale, Andy.

In memory of IP friend Andy Rodker, who posted many beautiful images of the Cornwall coastline and whose images and advice led to my late wife and I visiting the area. With deepest condolences to his family and friends.
21 items in total