Flowers and buds

Wildflowers of Australia

14 Jun 2014

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Flowering in Winter

It's winter down in the Southern Hemisphere, but it's been very mild so far. The Wonga Wonga vine has been confused and has begun to flower: it must think spring has arrived early! :) The flowers are about 20mm long. Explored.

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07 May 2014

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Wildflowers at Mungo

I think (without being totally confident) that this is a native wildflower known as Australian Bugle (Ajuga australis) . The flowers are not very large, probably about 12mm across.

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06 May 2014

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Silver Mulla Mulla

Just beginning to flower when I took this shot near Lake Mungo. These also are known as Cotton Bush and, with about 100 other species, are part of the Ptilotus genus, native to the drier areas of Australia. A second shot in the inset note gives a wider view.

15 Oct 2014

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Waratah flower head clusters in full bloom. The Waratah (Telopea speciosissima) is an Australian plant native to part of the east coast and, accordingly, has become the floral emblem for the state of NSW. Its name even has been adopted by the NSW Rugby Union team . Explored.

13 Oct 2014

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Floral Fireworks

If my ID is correct, these are the flowers of the Black Wattle Acacia Mearnsii which is a native to this area. Each flower is only about 1cm across, but they remind me of bursting fireworks (or is that just my imagination :)). Explored.

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20 Oct 2014

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This is Violet Kunzea

I took a drive into the ranges and found bushes with these flowers right along the roadside. The central part of the flowers is 3-5mm and the complete globular heads are 10-15mm across. They are an Australian wildflower, Violet Kunzea (Kunzea parvifolia) . Best viewed on black. A wider shot is in the note. Explored.

01 Nov 2014

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White-Cheeked Honeyeater

White-Cheeked Honeyeaters are found along the eastern coast of Australia. The callistemons are flowering profusely at present (those furry red things) and attracting hordes of nectar eating birds. Second shot in a note showing the yellow wing flash. Explored.

16 Nov 2014

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Climbing Guinea Flower

A native of the Australian east coast and currently flowering in the local nature reserve. *Update* I've been out in the bush today and found a 'fresher' one, now added as a second shot in a note. Explored.

29 Mar 2015

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Callistemon and cobweb

When our dog takes me for my morning walk, over recent days I've been admiring these backlit callistemon flowers. Today I took the little camera with me - and the cobweb was a bonus. Best on black.
43 items in total