
tiabunna club

Posted: 12 Nov 2021

Taken: 08 Nov 2021

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Burnt forest

Burnt forest
Back again after a "post Covid lockdown" trip to visit friends and family (restrictions just lifted). I must admit that photography was far from the main priority, so fairly few photos - and then I inadvertently lost some shots when I returned home today.

It was very sobering though, that so many hundreds of kilometres of the trip were through burnt forest such as you see here, from the late 2019/early 2020 fires. At least this area is regrowing (if very slowly), so I feel comfortable in posting it for the Happy Fence Friday.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend and a HFF everyone.

appo-fam, Tanja - Loughcrew, Diana Australis, micritter and 26 other people have particularly liked this photo

30 comments - The latest ones
©UdoSm club
Terrible to see this - but nature recovers very quickly...
I saw something similar on the island of Madeira:
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
very sad indeed.... hope for a quick recovery!
3 years ago.
Christa1004 club
I've already seen a few burnt forests, and it's always awful to see, but on the other side I am amazed how fast Nature comes back. HFF George.
3 years ago.
J.Garcia club
It's a crime!
But nature is generous and green comes quickly!
HFF, George!

In Portugal, unfortunately, there are similar areas
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
.......oh,das schaut gar nicht gut aus lieber tiabunna,ich hoffe auch,dass die Natur sich bald wieder erholt:))

........wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni:))
3 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Oh what a pity, George. I hope the green comes soon. Wish you a nice weekend ahead !
3 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
They obviously were very sad times George but it's good to know that some areas are growing again,
HFF and a nice weekend.
3 years ago.
Berny club
Sad but impressive!
HFF and a great weekend, George! Stay safe!
3 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
3 years ago.
RHH club
Burned off areas are depressing but they do tend to regrow quickly.
3 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
sad but beautiful !
3 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Sad to see !!
HFF and keep safe.
3 years ago.
Loose_Grip/Pete club
Nature always wins in the end I'm pleased to say.
HFF & have a great weekend.
3 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Good that you are getting out. Pity about losing photos though.

HFF, have a great weekend. Herb
3 years ago.
Annemarie club
indeed an impressive desolation:(

despite all, enjoy your weekend with friends!
3 years ago.
Xata club
Nature always finish to re-grow... hope you enjoyed your trip, George, HFF
Sorry you lost photos...
3 years ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
HFF, George! Have fun and stay healthy!
3 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
An all too familiar sight is Australia the whole continent, looking forward to NZ and WA lifting so I can also go to see my mother, HFF you keep safe the two of you.
3 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
I am pleased there are signs of re-growth George. That's something after such devastation.
Welcome back and wish you a good weekend.
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi George
A very nice picture, which I like very much!
Wonderful and interesting view of a different landscape.
Of course fires have been part of nature for a very long time, and new growth soon comes!
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
3 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Splendid capture! Stay well!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
3 years ago.
Esther club
So sad to see the devastation. HFF!
3 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
3 years ago.
Léopold club
Sad reality in your country....
3 years ago.
Erika+Manfred club
Oh, that's bad. We've seen the burnt forests in Canada 2 Months ago.
3 years ago.
neira-Dan club
ça fait peine à voir ; mais la nature est tellement résiliente
3 years ago.
 Annalia S.
Annalia S. club
Given half a chance, Nature comes back and rises from its ashes like the proverbial phoenix. What worries me is that these catastrophic events will come more and more often and world governments still can't get together and make a really meaningful plan to at least slow down and mitigate the effects of the climate change we have brought upon ourselves.
Glad you emerged from the lockdown and were able to travel, George. Hope you had a good visit. Too bad, about your lost pics, your photos are always a pleasure to look at!

Belated HFF!
3 years ago.
 * ઇઉ *
* ઇઉ * club
The sight is really sobering, but also comforting to know
about the great regenerative capacity of nature.
Welcome back, George, and have a safe and enjoyable weekend, too.
3 years ago.
A sad sight. I'm not optimistic about the near future of this planet as more and more such sights will occur more often (along with floods, etc.). Sorry you lost your photos.
3 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
....aber das Leben kämpft sich zurück...so ist es nun mal....
3 years ago.

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