Tulips. A tribute to Joni Rip Puzzlers darling wife.  135 copy


Tulips. A tribute to Joni Rip Puzzlers darling wif…

16 Apr 2014 63 38 810
Link to John's announcement of Joni's Passing. RIP www.ipernity.com/doc/302185/49943432/in/favorite/tess.mckenna www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49969976 Explore Frontpage

Tulip 259 copy

14 Apr 2011 67 40 666
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 9/5/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49929408 Explore Frontpage

Bird of Paradise 096 copy

01 Dec 2011 59 39 729
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot/@/page:2:27 2/5/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49909878 Explore Frontpage

Dianthus Monspessulanus 026 copy

01 Jun 2012 67 38 585
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 17/4/2020 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49875320 Explore Frontpage

Crocus 4 002 copy

01 Mar 2013 71 38 563
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 13/4/2020 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49864812 Explore Frontpage

Aquileia 188

27 Apr 2011 71 45 670
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 3/4/20

Echeveria 044 copy 2

21 Oct 2011 67 41 695
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 26/3/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49822962 Explore Frontpage

Canna Indica variety Indian Shot 171 copy

15 Jul 2011 67 43 612
Thanks for the help with the ID * ઇઉ * en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canna_indica www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 21/3/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49810178 Explore Frontpage

snowdrop Variety description Below 270 copy

02 Mar 2010 53 30 742
Variety Galanthus nivalis f. pleniflorus ‘Flore Pleno’ This familiar double form of the common snowdrop, this is a robust, vigorous and long-lived plant, spreading well in a variety of situations. The proliferation of inner, green-tipped petals gives the plant its double appearance, although the number varies greatly and is rarely neat; some may be distorted or long. Occasionally a fourth outer petal may be present. Known since at least 1703. 15cm (6in). www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 14/3/20 www.ipernity.com/doc/tess.mckenna/49788114/in/group/28962 Explore Frontpage

Polemonium AKA Jacobs Ladder 013 copy

23 Apr 2011 65 47 755
Thanks Neira Dan for the correct identification of this flower. I much appreciate this correction. www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 7/3/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49771126 Explore Frontpage

Dahlia 101 copy

30 Sep 2013 66 41 700
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 2/3/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49754750 Explore Frontpage

Crocus Vernus 'Remembrance 036 copy

19 Feb 2013 106 86 1217
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus_vernus www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49720628 Explore Frontpage

Aloe Flower 2 046

02 Feb 2013 69 56 719
Thanks Neira-Dan for the correct ID on this flower. Much appreciated. www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 15/2/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49706884 Explore Frontpage

Crinum 132 copy

06 Aug 2013 72 47 716
Thanks to daniele (Neira Dan) for ID on this Flower. Crinum Variety White Queen. www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 3/2/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49678982?with=49678982 Explore Frontpage.

Cineraria (Senecio hybridus) 032 copy

02 Feb 2013 64 39 611
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 30/01/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49668394 Explore Frontpage.

Dahlia 269 copy

30 Sep 2013 63 46 620
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 25/1/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49658708 Explore Frontpage

Kniphofia uvaria (Red Hot Poker)0.53

22 Sep 2015 52 36 781
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot/@/page:2:27 22/1/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49643532 Explore Frontpage Whats Hot.

Dahlia 075

10 Jun 2011 57 31 701
www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot 16/01/20 www.ipernity.com/group/28962/doc?with=49633176 Explore Frontpage

67 items in total