st.pancras new church, london

camden churches

Folder: london churches

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 116
commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods. used by pugin as an example of everything that was wrong with commissioners' churches of the time, but this was a very cheap church , pugin's churches could cost twice as much and seat half as many.

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 78
pulpit added by r.c.reade in 1890

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 102
west doorway of the commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods, with late c19 sculpture added. even given the financial constraints of the build, this is weak design, and one cannot help thinking that they did not go in with all creative guns blazing on this one.

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 91
detail of the commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 101
commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods, a real god box. the division in the windows marked the galleries, now gone.

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 90
commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 115
large reredos added prob. in the c20 to the church. reserved host on the altar, mary in a glory, for a cheap preaching box that's pretty high stuff!

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 84
commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods, not helped aesthetically by the way that the doors are painted, and the brickwork could do with a clean too.

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 98
detail of the commissioners gothic church of 1822-6 by the inwoods

st.mary eversholt street, camden, london

06 Sep 2012 119
stripped of its galleries in 1888 by christian, the church revels in its spaciousness, with elegant iron columns and plaster vaults of 1822-6 by the inwoods given new life by the brave colour scheme

st.pancras new church, london

24 Aug 2012 108
detail of the pulpit of 1822, designed by the inwoods

archangel head, new st.pancras churchyard, woburn…

24 Aug 2012 126
large marble head in the churchyard beside the neo-greek church, its classical nature fitting well. it is by emily young, and is of the archangel michael

st.pancras new church, london

24 Aug 2012 110
ionic columns at the entrance of the church built by h.w. and w. inwood in 1819-22

st.pancras new church, london

24 Aug 2012 144
detail of one of the caryatids on the church of 1819-22 by the inwoods, showing cracks and frost damage to the terracotta- coade stone ?- figures.

archangel head, new st.pancras churchyard, woburn…

24 Aug 2012 227
large marble head in the churchyard beside the neo-greek church, its classical nature fitting well. it is of the protective archangel michael, by emily young, and is in memory of those who died in the bombing of 2005


st.pancras new church, london

24 Aug 2012 118
caryatids of 1822 over the vault entrance

st.pancras new church, london

24 Aug 2012 134
detail of the antefixae and cornice decoration of c.1822, probably terracotta, maybe coade stone ?

1329 items in total