exeter cathedral

exeter cathedral

Folder: english cathedrals

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 147
effigy of bishop branscombe, + 1280, with angels added when the effigy was given a new base and canopy in c.1420

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 163
the effigy of bishop branscombe of 1280 was given a similar chest and canopy to that of bishop stafford opposite in c.1420

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 129
effigy of bishop branscombe, + 1280

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 128
1589 carew monument, including gawen carew and wife above, and nephew peter below in c13 dress and attitude.

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 103
1589 carew monument, including gawen carew and wife above, and nephew peter below in c13 dress and attitude.

exeter tomb 1220

14 Jan 2010 177
tomb chest under bishop marshall, but not his, with figures of ss. peter and paul flanking christ

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 131
late c14 wooden screen to st.edmund's n.w.chapel

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 127
c14 glass in the c14 west window of c.1340

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 110
green man from n.w.corner of nave, c.1340

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 149
boss of knight on horseback, c.1305. a copy of this boss is on show which gives one an excellent idea of their size, which is difficult to discern from the ground. an excellent idea,; the cathedral could also offer tours aloft and perhaps books on carvings and glass.

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 126
c14 foliage of c.1320, inhabited with beasts

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 116
boss of c.1303

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 143
bishops' throne of 1313-16, by thomas of winchester/ witney; some of the details look C19 to me

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 138
c14 knight, poss. humphrey de bohun, 1322, south quire aisle

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 139
bishops' throne of 1313-16, by thomas of winchester/ witney; the head prob. C19

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 148
bishops' throne of 1313-16, by thomas of winchester/ witney

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 130
view of sedilia from aisle , c.1320

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 124
grisaille of 1303 from s.e. chapel

644 items in total