thorpeness, suffolk (7) ogilvie almshouses 1925-6 by w.g.wilson


Folder: english secular architecture
english almshouses and charitable hospitals

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 117
memorials to rev.s baxter, 1801 and 1850, who were both clerics of the hospital, presumably on the hereditary principle. now in the cloister

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 103
monument to mrs. pearce, 1777, put up in the old hospital chapel by the chapter in thanks for benefactions including church plate . now in the cloister here.

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 76
interior of chapel built in 1951, refurbished in 2004, full of wonderful woodwork of all dates from the c14 on.

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 73
c19 canopies of western stalls of 1380s

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 73
monument to elizabeth grigg, 1760, and mary grigg, 1792, by nollekens. this seems to have been in the church of st.james that was on this site until destroyed in the war

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 85
statue from poynter's chapel in regent's park , 1825, of the founder queen matilda

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 72
dragon arm rest detail of stalls at west end of chapel, c.1380

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 92
stalls of c.1380 at west end of chapel, the canopies c19

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 73
dragon arm rest detail of stalls at west end of chapel, c.1380

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 75
angel in antechapel, from 1825 regent's park chapel by poynter?

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 91
crown gorged swan supporter on misericord, detail of stalls at west end of chapel, c.1380

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 70
dragon arm rest detail of stalls at west end of chapel, c.1380

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 59
man riding human headed beast, misericord, detail of stalls at west end of chapel, c.1380

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 87
west front of the chapel of 1951, with statues of [presumably] the founder queen matilda and her husband king stephen. these seem to have come from the chapel in regent's park by poynter which was built for the hospital in 1825

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 76
swan supporter on misericord,detail of stalls at west end of chapel, c.1380

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 82
memorial by p.rouw to sir herbert taylor, master of the hospital, +1839

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 98
signature on memorial by p.rouw to sir herbert taylor, master of the hospital, +1839

st.katherine's hospital, london

18 Feb 2011 79
heraldic detail of memorial to george montacute, 1681, in the cloister at the hospital. note grotesques above and below.

962 items in total