erwarton church, suffolk  (40) heraldry on an early c15 tomb chest under an unrelated effigy

suffolk churches 4

Folder: english churches by county

erwarton church, suffolk (15) boar crest on c15 t…

erwarton church, suffolk tomb effigy…

erwarton church, suffolk (16) c15 tomb…

08 Sep 2019 30
c15 tomb sir bartholomew bacon +1391 and joan +1435

erwarton church, suffolk (18) headress on c15 tom…

08 Sep 2019 53
headress on c15 tomb joan bacon+1435

erwarton church, suffolk (17) c15 tomb…

erwarton church, suffolk (19) headress on c15 tom…

erwarton church, suffolk (20) heraldry on a late…

erwarton church, suffolk (21) c15 tomb…

erwarton church, suffolk (24) late c13 tomb effig…

08 Sep 2019 43
late c13 tomb effigy attrib. to isabel bacon

erwarton church, suffolk (23) late c13 tomb attri…

erwarton church, suffolk (25) late c13 tomb effig…

erwarton church, suffolk (26) lapdog at feet of l…

erwarton church, suffolk (27) c15 tomb…

erwarton church, suffolk (29) heraldry on c16 tom…

erwarton church, suffolk (30) lion at feet of eff…

erwarton church, suffolk (31) lion at feet of eff…

erwarton church, suffolk (32) lap dogs at feet of…

erwarton church, suffolk (46)fragment of c16 tomb…

170 items in total