royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
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royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
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royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
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constitution arch, hyde park corner, london
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68 visits
royal artillery monument, hyde park corner, london
detail of the excellent monument of 1925 by c.s.jagger, with strong design and wonderful bronze figures, and none of the sentiment or unreality of some w.w.1.memorials
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