Vital Spark in the Rain and Mist


Inveraray is a town on the western shore of Loch Fyne, in Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

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31 May 2019

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405 visits

Vital Spark in the Rain and Mist

The Vital Spark was a BBC Scotland television series set in the western isles of Scotland in the 1930s, based on the Para Handy books by Neil Munro. It starred Roddy McMillan as Peter "Para Handy" MacFarlane, captain of the puffer Vital Spark . Quoted from Wikipedia.

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22 Jun 2018

155 visits


Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is a former royal burgh, the traditional county town of Argyll, and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Quoted from Wikipedia .

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22 Jun 2018

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176 visits

'Vital Spark', Inveraray Harbour

The Vital Spark is a fictional Clyde puffer, created by Scottish writer Neil Munro. As its captain, the redoubtable Para Handy, often says: "the smertest boat in the coastin' tred". Quoted from Wikipedia .

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22 Jun 2018

2 favorites


201 visits


Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is a former royal burgh, the traditional county town of Argyll, and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Quoted from Wikipedia .

04 Jul 2018

13 favorites


269 visits

'Vital Spark', Inveraray

The Vital Spark is a fictional Clyde puffer, created by Scottish writer Neil Munro. As its captain, the redoubtable Para Handy, often says: "the smertest boat in the coastin' tred". Quoted from Wikipedia

04 Jul 2018

8 favorites


142 visits


Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is a former royal burgh, the traditional county town of Argyll, and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Quoted from Wikipedia

04 Jul 2018

8 favorites


145 visits


Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is a former royal burgh, the traditional county town of Argyll, and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Quoted from Wikipedia

04 Jul 2018

8 favorites


170 visits


Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is a former royal burgh, the traditional county town of Argyll, and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Quoted from Wikipedia

17 Mar 2017

5 favorites


166 visits

Inveraray Cross in the Rain

Inveraray is a town in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is a former royal burgh, the traditional county town of Argyll, and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Quoted from Wikipedia This late 15th century cross once stood in the middle of the Old Town of Inveraray, near where the castle is today. Quoted from the 'Day Out Scotland' website
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