Sol Lang's photos

Water Nymph At The Chateau

24 Mar 2008 6 3183
View the large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

By Wednesday it became clear – Elise will not be c…

31 Mar 2008 11 4151
I wasn't sure if this was a look of displeasure or was she just acting coy. We couldn't all go to the Chateau in the Bourgogne region. Some of us had to be left behind in Paris. But being left behind in a city like Paris couldn't be all bad. There is lots to see and experience. Enjoy Paris, Elise, while the rest of us go to the Chateau. View this image large. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Elise, we'll always have Paris

31 Mar 2008 27 2 4341
A little shy, she clutched the pillows to her body so as to cover her nakedness, but still I could see that she was proud and took pleasure in her youthful beauty. Little did she know that a thriving film career was just beyond the horizon. Best viewed large. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Chaude et Froide (Hot and Cold)

01 Mar 2008 63 2 12234
Must be seen large Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Camille – warming in the sun

31 Mar 2008 24 3 6320
View large. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Bathed in afternoon light - The gift, Camille

31 Mar 2008 47 3 8781
Worth viewing large Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

A Visit from Camille

31 Mar 2008 28 1 7210
I celebrate this new year of my life with the appearance of Camille in my stream. My artistic tribute to femininity. I feel very privileged to have had this visit from her on this bright sunny day. I took advantage of the streaming natural rays and avoided using any artificial supplementary lighting. Not my usual style of working. The experience was challenging, elating and of course delightful. Camille made it more so. A natural beauty, she is confident in her poses and an admirable artist and collaborator. This image is worth viewing large, of course. At this point I would also like to extend an invitation to all my contacts. As I have exceeded 6,000, I can no longer do it through Flickr's "invite" feature. They say it is too weak to handle such numbers. So here goes... At first I didn't think it would be too cool or modest of me to invite people to my own fan club. How self-indulgent this would appear. So I held off for as long as I could. But then Mary Bogdan, the creator of the group, artist extraordinaire and loving wife, said to me that I owe it to all my friends on Flickr and that who better to have access to my fans than myself? I thought and thought about it. I realized that as the group grows with friends that are on her and others' lists, the friends who I have selected or who have selected me and who may want to be in the group the most, cannot be ignored and left off the invited list. So here it is. An official invitation to join my fan club by me. Welcome one and all! Unfortunately since I can’t do it through Flickr’s invite feature, you will have to request to join :( Yet another small inconvenience of failed technology. Thank you all for the great support. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

The Canonization of Kimmey, Notre Dame

22 Mar 2008 3 5278
Rightly or not, I think that I have come to the conclusion that much of the reason for our sexually uptight society is our religious institutions. We accept violence much more readily than sex. That is perhaps because the early wars were often due to religious differences, so it was necessary to accept violence in order to make holy war. Come to think of it, we still have holy war declarations today. Are we to accept these beliefs? Has nothing changed? On our trip we happened to attend Good Friday services at Notre Dame Cathedral. This was a wonderful photo opportunity and what better way to express the dichotomy of sex and religion. But I prefer to have this photograph viewed as an expression of reverence for the Sacred Feminine. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Nude at the Opera

27 Mar 2008 6 5472
In case anyone has noticed, I've been away for a week. How did I manage to stay away from Flickr for ONE WHOLE WEEK!!! Impossible! Mary and I took a small vacation on either side of a long Easter weekend. We decided to go off to France. Our main motive was to go visit our son in Chamonix. But how can we justify crossing the ocean without getting a good dose of Paris. I start my travel log with the Paris Opera. For details, please view large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Paying reverence to ancient will

16 Nov 2007 16 4835
View the large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

The blue shirt saga continues

11 Aug 2006 32 1 9657
My apologies for not writing a text entry at the time of posting this image of Natalie, my legendary model. She keeps reappearing in my stream from time to time. I am looking forward to our next session and the soon to be released LULU.COM calendar. I will be sure to post a notification here, once it is out. In the meantime enjoy the large version of this image. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Blue Chair

23 Jul 2007 14 4973
The title says it all... More of my work can be seen at Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Blue Shirt

11 Aug 2006 16 6367
My apologies for not writing a text entry at the time of posting this image of Natalie, my legendary model. She keeps reappearing in my stream from time to time. I am looking forward to our next session and the soon to be released LULU.COM calendar. I will be sure to post a notification here, once it is out. In the meantime enjoy the large version of this image Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

What came first the gaze or the tease?

23 Jul 2007 15 3965
I have neglected to mention that the model is Kerri who has posed for many of my images in the past and has also been in my Kitchen Stomp video. View the large version of this image. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

More of the blue shirt

11 Aug 2006 23 5428
My apologies for not writing a text entry at the time of posting this image of Natalie, my legendary model. She keeps reappearing in my stream from time to time. I am looking forward to our next session and the soon to be released LULU.COM calendar. I will be sure to post a notification here, once it is out. In the meantime enjoy the large version of this image Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

What is Christy's concern?

12 Jan 2008 6 2627
Art is about asking questions, not giving answers. I guess, by now, everyone who ever took the trouble to read the texts that accompany my images, has heard my complaints/fears/worries of saying something poignant and relevant to accompany what the images already convey. As an artist I often hope that the visual communication is all that is necessary. However, I have found that the number of comments and responses are far greater when the image is accompanied by a well thought out text. It starts a dialogue that not only makes the images more interesting to the viewer, but also to me. As I create intuitively with images, the words alone can sometimes be quite limited. It is then that the comments left by viewers complete the communication of the art. I want to thank all the Flickr members that have continued to comment on my images and have added so much to their meaning and my own understanding of my art, bringing to light that which have until now only been feelings, sensations and undefined concepts or thoughts. This image, for example, is very appealing to me. As a professional visual artist and aesthete, I recognize the success of this photograph. Technically, it is very sound. Pleasing colour and composition, lighting and drama. The model’s pose is exceptional and the look on her face (and what a face!) is precious. But what does it say to the viewer? What does it say to me? I know it elicits emotion. It certainly does for me. At the very least, a reaction of some kind from whoever sees it. But what does it all mean? I can consider writing an entire scenario about Christy, my model. I could write about her life, aspirations and dreams. Give many answers to explain her expression in both facial as well as body language. But if I do that, I might as well just be a writer rather than a photographer. So I ask myself... writer or photographer? The answer is quite clear. I am a much better skilled photographer than I am writer. A large version of this image is available for greater scrutiny of its quality. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Milena: Tribute to Innocence - Calendar

16 Nov 2007 16 2 7041
I have had many requests for a "Milena" calendar. Well, it's finally available from lulu dot com. You can get details and a link on my Flickr profile page. This is an April 2008 to March 2009 calendar. No need to have lost a month, as you would on January to December calendars. I intend to republish regularly to always have it current. By the way, you can see a preview of the inside images once you are on lulu. This is my third calendar so far. I have made one with Kimmey and another one with Caitlin. They all have previews to see the images of the inside pages as they appear for each month. Your encouragement is most appreciated. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

I might as well talk in my sleep (supertramp)

06 Apr 2007 9 1 4711
Sometimes my life feels like it is not my own. I feel as if I exist in a borrowed identity. Occupying the body of someone other than myself. A much older man than I am, yet with unlimited energy and creativity. And intellect that comes with much greater maturity than mine. Sadness comes over me, when I realise that this, in fact, is me, but the “newly found” me. Where and when have I wasted so many joyless years? Never stopping to recognize what is important. Using my time of rest as just a time to repose. To empty my mind and replenish physical strength for striving on. Dreams of being an artist were completely forgotten upon awakening. Can this life really be called awoken? Or is the reality of my existence residing inside this imaginary one? So I reflect on many things. Those things that most men fantasize. And women too. Living a life of passion. I have been wishing for it all along, just not remembering it when I awake. A large version of this sensual photograph of Isabella should be see here . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Please note: Much of my work contains Nudity. Thanks for the support!

85 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.