100% Whole Wheat Honey Oatmeal Bread

Abigail Johnson Dodge

100% Whole Wheat Honey Oatmeal Bread

08 Oct 2012 1 2 934
ABC Challenge October . Changed to the recipe: Replaced all the flour by whole wheat flour and reduced the butter, salt, honey and yeast.

Glazed peach-plum galette

19 Aug 2012 2 2 1130
Avid Baker's Challenge August 2012

(Half recipe) overnight brioche braid

03 Jun 2012 8 3 2139
Avid Baker's Challenge June 2012 . Often made braided breads (as you can see (the last two) below) but never before braided a 6 strand round one. It was fun! :-))

Buttery Pull-Apart Dinner Rolls

05 Apr 2012 2 1 925
Avid Baker's challenge April 2012 ......... Made a whole wheat version and as always with American recipes left out the sugar. Also changed the size of the baking dish into a 9-by-9 inch pan. Haven't taste them yet but they're now in the freezer and planning to eat them on Easternday.

ABC - Glazed Cinnamon Rolls

01 Feb 2012 1 947
ABC February 2012 .

ABC - Nut-Crusted Chocolate-Banana Swirl Cake

16 Jan 2012 3 877
ABC January 2012 .

Abigail Johnson Dodge