Sami Serola (inactive)'s photos

O - O

10 Jun 2014 11 8 363
Dedicated to Merle Plagge who likes anything red just as I do.

Back to the reality...

02 Jun 2014 7 5 450
...after the ambient excursions week, or seeing strange creatures around.

Sleeping troll

What do you see?

Sad faces

11 Jan 2012 1 2 299
Picture taken in 2012

Paradox VII

22 Nov 2011 7 6 404
Too many hours on-line can ... cause you to lose your social skills and graces for the "real world" because you have fewer "training opportunities" for interacting with other people. -Jason Kornrich This old Paradox series of mine has nothing to do with anyone or anything particularly. Only republishing some old stuff =) UPDATE Jan 3rd, 2021: Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #465: An old upload with less than 3 comments that hasn't been in the group already.


08 Dec 2013 6 6 508
I introduce you the concept of "desperate for a shot" (DFAS). First time I met this monster at one 365 photography group. For every photographer who aim to shoot every day, this will very likely appear some day. Or at night when there are only few minutes to shoot just something before the midnight... To avoid this monster to totally depress you, I recommend the following. First thing in the morning, shoot your leg. Then you have at least one shot for the day.

Guess what? VII


:o ▪ Pareidolia 4/50


14 Feb 2021 28 25 250
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #472: new on the old, like a patch on an old trousers, a sprout on a plant, a new window on an old façade, a new spare piece in an old machine... a new lens on an old camera... Such a tough challenge! I could not get anything new shipped within a week, to wear on this old carcass of mine. Neither got anything new to grow up in a week, except maybe mold. And since giving up on DSLRs, no new lenses either. =P So, I went out to see if there are any new posters on a billboard. I was lucky! Pike Zither had released a new song! Pike what, you may ask. And so do I. Definitely news to me at least. Sit tight, and fasten your seatbelts. Here we go! BEWARE! SOME DIRTY LANGUAGE USED! Those boys should wash out their mouth with soap! =D ♫ Not Your Merchandise by Pike Zither at Youtube But there's a message, and it has a happy and peaceful ending. Worth to check out. ➽ Pike Zither at Facebook

Coffee 42/50

22 Sep 2020 33 18 262
#DIYpareidolia I seem to have something unique at Instagram and here at ipernity, and that is #DIYpareidolia hashtag and DIYpareidolia keyword. Well, as a concept it is definitely nothing unique, but so far only I have used such hashtag/keyword. The idea is simple. One does not need to only search for pareidolia subjects around. One can also make them. Then they can be called as "Do It Yourself pareidolia" =D

Street food

06 Dec 2019 22 41 377
Contribution for The 50 Images-Project: Still Life 48/50 Contribution for Fridays for Future Also a pre-taste on what I am planning to do next year .

Oh, cameras are macho!

27 Jun 2019 33 32 382
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge: Palindrome " Oh, cameras are macho. " ~ Marel Trout in 2002 ~ D. B. Smithee on book The Dog Poker Code , published in 2006 ~ eslobrown on PalindromeList, in 2011 ~ Hannah Churn on Tapas, in 2018 In case of palindromes, it is somewhat impossible to say who is the original author. But those are the sources I manage to discover. First I found the phrase on PalindromeList, and then the other sources by searching with the exact phrase. Contribution for The 50 Images-Project: Still Life 26/50 The idea for this shot started from the palindrome I found. I was going to shot a bunch of camera lenses, mirrored some way, with no intentional pareidolia added. But then I accidentally discovered the figure of a robot . I first used an "on screen" mirror effect app on my mobile phone camera. I warmly recommend using such applications at least for taking the test images. It is much easier to explore the world through a live view. Once the idea and subject has explored enough, one can then replicate it with a better camera and software.

3312 items in total