Sami Serola (inactive)'s photos

Week in Sepia II

05 Oct 2010 3 306
Morning light

Week in Sepia I

04 Oct 2010 251
My hand.

People may come...

16 Dec 2013 9 3 578
...and people may go, but memes keep on living their own lives. Meme once brought into daylight, keep on coming back. Guy called Nils once suggested a 'soil project' where people were asked to take a shot of the ground where they stand on. Obviously he was not the first photographer on earth taking a picture like this, but he made an initiation to ask others to do the same. So, there is a meme to take a shot like this, and there is a meme to ask other people to do the same.

Let us say...

15 Dec 2013 7 6 647
...that the pigeons learned to recognize treeness, in the sense that they quickly enough learned to differentiate whatever exemplified treeness from whatever did not. -Arthur C. Danto

Paradox IV

21 Nov 2011 2 2 335
A relatively good defense is to say "it takes one to know one". But ain't one then kind of admit being one as well. So, probably it's just better to deny everything. This old Paradox series of mine has nothing to do with anyone or anything particularly. Only republishing some old stuff =)

Paradox III

09 Nov 2011 2 245
One should imitate to become acknowledged. But too much imitation may just turn into plagiarism, and too less imitation may end into oblivion. This old Paradox series of mine has nothing to do with anyone or anything particularly. Only republishing some old stuff =)

Paradox II

04 Nov 2011 274
Setting boundaries is difficult. On the first hand you wish to keep the entrance clear for free access, but on the other hand you need to keep the entrance clear for free access. This old Paradox series of mine has nothing to do with anyone or anything particularly. Only republishing some old stuff =)

Paradox I

04 Nov 2011 2 253
In Bible it is advised to "let not the sun go down upon your wrath", and yet another popular saying tell us to "sleep over your problem". So, should one try to act fast while still angry or deal with the problems later on when hopefully less agitated? This old Paradox series of mine has nothing to do with anyone or anything particularly. Only republishing some old stuff =)

I wonder...

09 Dec 2013 2 6 424
...if this was something personal. or just an expression of opinion. In Finnish one would say: "Siitä puhe mistä puute." In English it goes something like this: "One speaks of what one yearns for." So, maybe someone just was in great need. Nevertheless, it is rather confusing expressed like this, written on snow. Quite temporary graffiti, I would say.

almost there

End game

23 May 2010 2 3 366
I share this end game with you. The idea is to take 3:4 ratio horizontal pictures showing the "ends" of two objects on both sides, filling one third of the vertical space. Then you tag them with keyword 'end-game'. And when you list all pictures tagged like this, you get End game !

End game

01 Jun 2010 2 247
I share this end game with you. The idea is to take 3:4 ratio horizontal pictures showing the "ends" of two objects on both sides, filling one third of the vertical space. Then you tag them with keyword 'end-game'. And when you list all pictures tagged like this, you get End game !

End game

11 Jul 2010 1 2 258
I share this end game with you. The idea is to take 3:4 ratio horizontal pictures showing the "ends" of two objects on both sides, filling one third of the vertical space. Then you tag them with keyword 'end-game'. And when you list all pictures tagged like this, you get End game !


27 Jun 2010 5 301
From the request of my dear friend, I share this shot, which I took in summer 2010. Later on most of these hothouses around this place are torn down. But this one is still there, and hopefully also in use. Especially close to Christmas time, there are flowers kept inside, before taken to the craves of local cemetery right next to this hothouse.

3312 items in total