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In jedem Frühling
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301 visits
Bio Tomaten und Paprika unter meinem Balkon
Die Ochsenherz Tomate in der Bildmitte wiegt 441 Gramm.
PIP 1.: Ochsenherztomate
PIP 2.: Roma Buschtomate
PIP 3.; Grüne Tomate
PIP 4.: Harzfeuer
PIP 5.: Datteltomate
PIP 6.: Cherrytomate
PIP 7.: Black Berry
PIP 8.: Spitzpaprika, Marcon
PIP 9.: Paprika, Quadrato d'Asti Rosso
Translate into English
Bio Tomaten und Paprika unter meinem Balkon
Die Ochsenherz Tomate in der Bildmitte wiegt 441 Gramm.
PIP 1.: Ochsenherztomate
PIP 2.: Roma Buschtomate
PIP 3.; Grüne Tomate
PIP 4.: Harzfeuer
PIP 5.: Datteltomate
PIP 6.: Cherrytomate
PIP 7.: Black Berry
PIP 8.: Spitzpaprika, Marcon
PIP 9.: Paprika, Quadrato d'Asti Rosso
Leo W, Jean Paul Capdeville, Erhard Bernstein, Heide and 34 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Ours are due soon but they had a problem this year and about 95% of the crop was lost and we don't know why. :o(
Positive effect of global warming?? In any case a treat for the eyes and the taste buds!
Have a nice day Erich
Viele freundliche Grüße****
Congratulations, and enjoy the wonderful fruits of your labor! :)
Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
Einige davon haben wir schon auf unserem Wochenmarkt gekauft.
the moment, so neighbours are doing well! I have some like the green tomatoes
in your PiP. They are not ready yet! A super selection.
Best wishes & a good new week,
Alles Gute und viele Grüße / Percy
Liebe Grüße Von Haus zu Haus!
sea-herdorf club has replied to Ruesterstaude clubStay well:)
A wonderful and interesting set of pictures, which I like very much!
Very nice composition
They look good enough to eat!!!
Best Wishes,a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
Excellent management of lights and beautiful color contrast.
Warm greetings
sea-herdorf club has replied to FarbFormFreude clubSehr schön fotografisch präsentiert.
to write a comment.