On the road

New Mexico and the Southwestern U.S.

Folder: Locations, locations

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

89 visits

Petroglyphs, El Morro National Monument

"For the Zuni people, Atsinna and nearby sites continue to be sacred places, parts of a larger homeland that once stretched far beyond today's Zuni Reservation."

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite

89 visits

Tim at El Morro

New Mexico.

08 Aug 2013

3 favorites

139 visits

Black mountain

08 Aug 2013

92 visits

Kayenta sunset

08 Aug 2013

115 visits

Desert glow


08 Aug 2013

119 visits

Fence, sunset


08 Aug 2013

140 visits

Dance of the tipsy chairs

Theater, Kayenta, Utah.

08 Aug 2013

103 visits

Western wings

Theater, Kayenta, Utah.

07 Aug 2013

146 visits

Cowboy hats

Kayenta, Utah.
259 items in total