Addison Gardens


31 Oct 2018

43 visits

Flower stall

31 Oct 2018

40 visits

Home of Jessie Matthews Obe awash in geraniums and impatiens

31 Oct 2018

36 visits

Krispy Kreme promotion

Lots of youth, lured by social media and the prospect of free Krispy Kremes, were lining up to receive some kind of promotional items in a sack. Who knew there were KKs in the UK?

31 Oct 2018

39 visits

Uxbridge Road crossing

Nice building near the tube station.

31 Oct 2018

21 visits

Duke of Edinburgh

We passed under his watchful gaze whenever we went ANYWHERE. Formerly a pub, now an office. But they kept the sign.

01 Nov 2018

24 visits

Roman Wall

01 Nov 2018

41 visits

A spot of tea at the Lord Raglan on a rainy afternoon after a visit to the Museum of London

01 Nov 2018

17 visits

Harrods at night

01 Nov 2018

40 visits

Harrods ladies' loo floor

139 items in total