Ruebenkraut's photos

pebble beach


05 Aug 2006 277
this energy efficient ferry crosses the danube river by using the power of the stream Donaufähre bei Weltenburg, die den Strom selbst ausnutzt, um ihn zu queren. Warum fahren nicht alle Fähren so?

german biergarten in august


02 Aug 2006 3 4 261
they sat there for half an hour watching the endless river roll by, discussing life and the meaning of it all - the secret: a bag of pistachios between them, kept from the eyes of other kids playing nearby


02 Aug 2006 266
one just cannot resist taking this shot

small stone face

25 Jul 2006 233
this face measures only about 10cm from top to bottom

preparing the pope visit


16 Jul 2006 236
actually it seems not easy to capture this with a small digicam, i took quite a lot of photos tonight but this is one of only few that worked out (sort of)

bavarian sky

kestrel youngster

Crested Caracara


13 Jul 2006 220
weltkulturerbe und papst, regensburg flippt aus!

crossing the bridge

30 Jun 2006 1 1 545
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