Air Force One (1)

Reagan Library

A visit to the President Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, with the Palm Springs Front Runners & Walkers.

Berlin Wall Chunk (6835)

Berlin Wall Chunk (6836)

Berlin Wall Chunk (6837)

Cold War Map (6846)

F-14 on Peace Plaza (8894)

24 Jan 2008 721
Naturally the F-14 would be displayed adjacent to "Peace Plaza."

F-14A (6840)

F-14A (6841)

F-14A (6842)

F-14A (8896)

24 Jan 2008 818
An explanation that the F-14A on display was not actually part of any historical activity, but looks like one that was.

Gift of Imelda Marcos (6894)

Just Say No (6895)

Marine Corps One (6868)

Marine Corps One (6869)

Oval Office Replica (6888)

Oval Office Replica (6889)

Oval Office Replica (6890)

Oval Office Replica (6891)

Pat & Air Force One (6859)

75 items in total