Bob Taylor

Bob Taylor deceased

Posted: 22 Jun 2021

Taken: 19 Jun 2021

3 favorites     2 comments    115 visits

1/40 0.0 mm ISO 100


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See also...

Silver Surfers Silver Surfers

The Photo Cafe The Photo Cafe

SONY world SONY world


manual focus
vintage lens
vintage product
Three-in-One Household Oil
SMC Pentax-M 50/4

Authorizations, license

Visible by: Everyone
All rights reserved

115 visits

Many Uses

Many Uses
My lawn mower, all-manual, was squeaking, and so I looked for a lubricant and found this slightly rusty can of "household oil." Although it did not list lawn mowers among the possible uses, I noticed that the list included typewriters. The can has been around a while! I tried it on the mower, applied it liberally in many places. It worked and no doubt would have worked on my typewriter if I still had it. Some days I do miss it.

Frans Schols, Scott Holcomb, Jörg have particularly liked this photo

 The Limbo Connection
The Limbo Connection club
indisputably old but it wears a barcode thus making it part of the modern age. I recall their introduction in the UK. All those price guns suddenly redundant, and presumably their operators too, unless they could be redeployed.
3 years ago.
 John Sheldon
John Sheldon club
I have two very old cans of this, been using them since the last century. A million uses over a long period of time.
3 years ago.

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