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Winter Hydrangea

Winter Hydrangea

photosofghosts, vero, Pedrocut, Holger Hagen and 40 other people have particularly liked this photo

55 comments - The latest ones
©UdoSm club
Looks changed but still good...
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to ©UdoSm club
Very different to the summer pink colour. Thank you Udo.
14 months ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Eine sehr schöne Nahaufnahme zeigst du liebe Rosa,ich finde es sehr schön,wie das Licht reingekommen ist,toll hast du das umgesetzt :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Tag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Günter Klaus club
Thank you for your very kind comment dear Günter. The flowers have looked good all summer but the heavy frost of a few days ago has destroyed them now :-( Will see them again next summer :)

Best wishes and good evening, Rosa.
14 months ago.
Günter Klaus club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Das ist doch schon ein toller Gedanke,dass sie euch nächstes Jahr wieder erfreuen wird liebe Rosa :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
14 months ago.
tiabunna club
A beautiful close-up, Rosa.
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to tiabunna club
Thank you very much George.
14 months ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
La fin de saison donne un bel aspect a ses feuilles agréable journée Rosalyn.
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Patrick Brandy club
Thank you for your kind comment Patrick.
Good evening.
14 months ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Gorgeous light and colours !!
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thank you very much Jaap.
14 months ago.
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe !
Bonne journée. Amitiés
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Madeleine Defawes club
Thank you Madeleine.
Good evening.
14 months ago.
trester88 club
Ein Hauch von Winter. Sehr schönes Licht, Rosalyn!
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to trester88 club
Thank you very much Wilhelm.
14 months ago.
Makrofan club
Schöne Nahaufnahme! Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Makrofan club
Thank you very much Karl.
14 months ago.
Annemarie club
wonderful this

happy day!
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you Annemarie.
Good evening.
14 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Lovely light on the hydrangea Rosa..........it shows off the spider's web and the frosted-edges of the petals. Nice and sharp where it needs to be and with beautiful bokeh. Excellent..!!
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Keith Burton club
Thank you very much Keith. They are looking rather sad now as the frost has completely destroyed the flowers. Looking forward to seeing them again next summer though!
14 months ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Une petite guipure qui leur va comme un gant, eh oui l'hiver pointe son nez !
Bonne soirée chère amie. Bisous.
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Jocelyne Villoing club
Thank you dear Jocelyne. Yes, very cold today & even a few drops of snow....brrrrrrrr.
Have a good evening my friend. ♥
14 months ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Ah yes winter is really here now as we saw our first sprinkle of snow overnight. Nice capture here.

Regards. Herb
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Herb Riddle club
Thank you Herb. We had a few drops of snow earlier, but it's just very cold now!!

Best wishes, Rosa.
14 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Morbide Schönheiten !
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Ulrich John club
Yes, you have it right Ulrich :-)
Good evening.
14 months ago.
Nouchetdu38 club
The cold made it turn yellow!!!
A “dying” man who still looks good thanks to this pretty photo!!!!!
Have a nice evening******
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Nouchetdu38 club
Thank you Nouchet. They look good until the first heavy frost arrives, and then....just a mess!
The heavy frost arrived :-)
Have a lovely evening.
14 months ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
Beautiful. And winter indeed. Enjoy it, Rosa. It's over when spring comes ;-)
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Edna Edenkoben club
Thank you Edna. Once February arrives, I'm eager for spring. Got a while to wait now :)
14 months ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
Splendide ma Rosa *********************gros bisous et bonne soirée mon amie !
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to @ngélique ❤️ club
Thank you so much dear Angelique.
Have a lovely evening. Bisous ♥
14 months ago.
TOZ club
Super Image Rosa my Hydrangeas look like this.
Regards TOZ
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to TOZ club
Thank you very much TOZ.
Best regards,
14 months ago.
 Eric Desjours
Eric Desjours club
Are you entering a competition with Makrofan, Rosa? :-))
In any case, your macro is incredibly charming, revealing the special beauty of petals at the end of their life, decorated with an edge of frost.
The frost is also coming to the centre of France, and it's going to take its toll on the few roses that were still brightening up our garden late in the season...
As you say, let's turn the page this year and look forward to the rebirth of these natural beauties.
Have a lovely day!
14 months ago. Edited 14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Eric Desjours club
Ha ha, a nice coincidence Eric!
Sadly the heavy frost has spoiled them now, but they stay beautiful for a long time, turning from pink to red and as you see them here. Yes it will be the end for roses too! We can all look forward to them returning next summer.....I hope :-)
Have a good day and excellent weekend Eric.
14 months ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
The nature can be a fantastic artist. Fine capture, Rosa !
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Percy Schramm club
Many thanks for your very kind comment Percy.
Have a good weekend.
14 months ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Very nicely captured Rosa. I like the touch of frost of the flowers and the warm light catching the
spider webs, turning them a lovely copper tone.

All the best, Doug
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Doug Shepherd club
Thank you very much Doug.
Have a good weekend,
14 months ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Pam J club
Thank you Pam.
14 months ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
Nicely decorated for Winter lovely light and use of DOF Rosalyn some people use them for winter decoration I don't know if they use glycerine to stop them getting brittle
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Peter Castell club
Thank you very much Peter. I don't use them for decoration but a lady in the village collects a few of them most years.
14 months ago.
 Marek Ewjan Stachowski
Marek Ewjan Stachows…
lovely picture, attractive shot
have a good weekend, Rosa!
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Marek Ewjan Stachows…
Thank you very much.
Have a good weekend.
14 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Fabulous shot!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
14 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to William Sutherland club
Thank you William.
Have a good weekend.
14 months ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
A destacar el bokeh. Buen sábado, rosa.
14 months ago.
Xata club
A delight, love even more like this than "alive!
14 months ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Lovely !!!
14 months ago.
sea-herdorf club
Die Blüten der Hortensie welken dahin. Dabei erhalten sie einen wunderschönen Rahmen von "Väterchen Frost", Rosa.
Freundliche Grüße und alles Gute
14 months ago.
photosofghosts club
Excellent foreground details touched by the light, then excellent bokeh. A successful shot.
Thanks again for your kind visit.
Warm greetings
13 months ago.
 Eric Desjours
Eric Desjours club
I can't say any more than Fabio (photosofghosts) above, apart from the exquisite winter poetry expressed in your photo, Rosa...
It's easy to say as the May sun bathes us in its gentle warmth ;-)
But it's also a testament to the fact that you've been away for over 3 months. What circumstance could possibly prevent you from sharing on ipernity...? We're full of anxious speculation, dear friend...
8 months ago.

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