


Week 1

18 Oct 2015 8 10 379
Want to try a daily routine of drawing, collaging or sketching on a small page (about 14 x 14 cm): This is my first week. Began on the 13.10, one was from some days before, when I was playing with the idea. I am a little afraid of not being able to be persistent enough to keep on, but I want to try.


24 Oct 2015 3 1 363
watercolor and ink, abstract


24 Oct 2015 9 5 308
acrylics, abstract

21.10.15 Selfie de político

24 Oct 2015 5 3 449
Collage. I took the idea from a children's art- book (a collage to imitate a Polaroid) and this gave me the idea of making a series of collage "Selfies", since they are so in vogue ;) This is a politician.


24 Oct 2015 2 4 316
I did not sketch on the 22nd, since spent almost the whole day dismantling a falsely called eco-friendly (it isn't) water-powered clock that had stopped working and rebuild it, to work now with an ordinary rechargeable battery. I also began a papier-mâche project.


24 Oct 2015 8 6 451
ink , watercolor and pencils

24.10.15 - Selfie del político en Soacha

25.10.15 - Selfie del político inquisidor

Sketchbook Week 2

25 Oct 2015 4 3 298
I will try to post daily, instead of weekly since it takes to long to scan and process the whole batch.



29 Oct 2015 2 1 257
Trying a method of drawing from a doodle, but did not like the result an got bored. Also the paper wasn't apt for watercolour and began to get brittle.... ugh! :(

104 items in total