Questionable Bill-Postery


Miscellaneous weird stuff

That 70s Art

16 Jul 2016 74
"Demon Eyeball Sunset with Withered Bristlecone Pine" Artist Unknown 1976 Oil-based housepaint on aluminum panel


24 Jul 2016 112
I don't know why, but this device amused me. Even more so when I thought it was a microwave.

Startled Alien

24 Jul 2011 106
Jet pod on a B-36. Strategic Air Command Museum, near Omaha, Nebraska.

Lofoten - Moskenes-Bodo Ferry

17 Jul 2015 58
"We're caught in a tractor beam! It's pulling us in!"

Questionable Instructions

22 Sep 2017 43
I can't believe these instructions are even necessary in a civilized country.

Questionable Bill-Postery

29 Jul 2019 74
On a shuttered cafe along Austurstraeti The Boomer vibe was palpable.

Questionable Mural

30 Jul 2019 1 77
No idea what's going on here. But having read the story of Loki and Svaðilfari, let's just say I got a puerile chuckle out of this.

Day 13

23 Jul 2019 41
I saw a lot of campers with this rental company's logo. And every single time, I thought it said something else that made me snicker like a naughty schoolboy.

Warp Factor 7

18 Sep 2021 46
Two days earlier, this was the flattest, straightest plank at the lumber yard. Two days later, it had curled into a lemon twist of carcinogenically-pickled pine.

I Hate to Burst His Bubble, But...

04 Jun 2023 53
Poe's Law applies here.

208 items in total