Day 19

Infrared Stuff

Shots from an infrared-converted d100 (up through the Spain trip) and d80 (from "Blue Lake in Infrared" on). Many of the shots were converted using IrfanView, before I discovered that ViewNX2 does a much cleaner job with the NEF-JPG conversion. A few have subsequently replaced with better conversions -- you should easily be able to tell the difference.

Unfortunately, some were taken with a sec…  (read more)

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 47
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 39
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 43
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 37
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 44
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 83
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Dolina Roztoka

12 Jul 2012 51
The hike up to the Five Polish Lakes

Five Polish Lakes

Five Polish Lakes

Five Polish Lakes

12 Jul 2012 48
Originally a still from the infrared timelapse.

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 43
Border markers at the summit above the pass.

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 54
Border markers at the summit above the pass.

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 46
Border markers at the summit above the pass.

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 40
Up and over the pass from the Five Polish Lakes to Morskie Oko

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 43
Up and over the pass from the Five Polish Lakes to Morskie Oko

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 41
Nižné Temnosmerečinské Pleso

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 50
Nižné Temnosmerečinské Pleso

Szpiglaszowa Przelec

13 Jul 2012 72
Looking down on a few of the Five Polish Lakes

1142 items in total