The Barn and the Åg

2008 Vike Täckarting

Folder: Travel Stuff
Installing a Bronze Age grass roof on a barn at Vike, Gotland, August 2, 2008.

Loading Up

02 Aug 2008 91
One of the tractors starts dumping åg on the platform.

Lifting a Bundle

02 Aug 2008 73
A bundle of åg is slid up the chute from one of the platforms to the work level.


02 Aug 2008 81
Paddling the loose åg at one end of the roof. Notice that the planks on the intersecting side building have been freshly tarred where the grass roof will later cover them.


02 Aug 2008 108
After raising a bundle of grass, the rope had to be removed quickly and returned to the work platform for the next bundle. We would then spread the grass out evenly under our feet, orienting some of it to lie orthogonal to the pole structure underneath (in effect crosslinking or "felting" the grass together into one giant mat). The goal was to pile up the grass so that it was about two feet thick on the poles, the surface leaning slightly inward towards the structure, and then compact it with our feet by walking back and forth over it while waiting for the next bundle. Vidjor (seen stacked in loops on the poles behind the man in the plaid shirt) would periodically be threaded around the poles and buried in the grass to "stitch" the mat to the roof, and after every foot or so of grass added to the work level, we would paddle the outer edge to compact what our feet couldn't reach and to level out any high spots in the surface.

Yet More Vidjor

02 Aug 2008 92
While grass was being added to the roof, work continued on braiding ever more vithior . I'm not sure, but I think the guy in the black shirt was also a visitor like me...but apparently without the right "connections" to get onto the roof himself.

Work in Progress

02 Aug 2008 94
A beehive of activity.


02 Aug 2008 86
Waiting for the next bundle.

Placing a Vidjor

02 Aug 2008 95
The vidjor are threaded around a pole and then wrapped like a scarf, the free ends buried in successive layers of sawgrass.

Placing a Vidjor

02 Aug 2008 66
The vidjor are threaded around a pole and then wrapped like a scarf, the free ends buried in successive layers of sawgrass.


02 Aug 2008 94
Hans and I stomp while Carl paddles.

Bruce at Work

02 Aug 2008 74
Hip-deep in the åg .

Loading Up

02 Aug 2008 94
The tractor scoops up a load of grass.

Pulling Up a Bundle

Delivering the Åg

Beer Break

The Barnyard

02 Aug 2008 121
Seen from above, looking at the main house. The house is now a museum, set up to represent how the farm might have looked around 1920 or so.

Plank Roof

02 Aug 2008 99
The plank roofs of the side buildings attached to the barn.

Nice View

02 Aug 2008 118
Looking east into the Baltic Sea from the top of the roof.

106 items in total