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110 Film Scans

Experiments with scanning 110 strip film, produced with a variety of cheapie pocket cameras from 1973-1995. Scanned using a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED film scanner and an improvised film holder.

27 Sep 2007

81 visits

Shop Aid

Since Nikon doesn't provide any accessories for the Super Coolscan 5000 ED with which to scan 110 film (for reasons now obvious to me -- the film sucks), I made myself a film carrier for the negatives. It consists of four layers of bristol paper (heavy white art paper), 5cm x 5cm, taped together along the edges. I cut a 19mm x 14mm hole in the middle, and then made small slits between the inner two layers of paper through which to slide the negative. The whole thing is a bit more square than it appears in this picture. It's a little tricky to get the prepped negative into the scanner without bumping the negative out of position, but it can be done with a steady hand and foreceps.

04 Oct 2007

108 visits

Mööse Head

My father's trophy moose. 1979.