

Odd or unusual things that grabbed my attention, most of which don't fit in any other set, but some, scattered in other sets, are included here because they are different from normal subjects

Under Broad Street Bridge

28 Dec 2012 167
On the west bank of the Coosa River, Gadsden, Alabama (IMG_1798)

A Toad, a Cat, and a Whirligig

19 Sep 2012 155
Was out this morning looking for some subjects for the first day of 365 project when I noticed this guy swimming for its life in a large plastic container that was partially filled with water. The sides were to slick to climb and the water was quite cool. So I rescued it. Since it was cold and exhausted, it was a pliant subject. In my garden, Etowah County, Alabama (IMG_4219)


01 Jan 1991 1 1 243
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Scanned 35mm negative. (4C019)

Three Happy Barns

01 Apr 1989 1 191
Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Scanned 35mm negative. (2W014)

Guard Owl

18 Aug 2011 166
Mounted on the roof of St. James Catholic Church probably to scare pigeons away. Chestnut Street, Gadsden, Alabama. (IMG_6803)

Crooked Tree

10 Nov 2011 191
Little River Canyon National Preserve, DeKalb County, Alabama (IMG_9053)

Sand Fence

17 Sep 2013 3 5 275
Orange Beach, Alabama (IMG 2785df)


16 Sep 2013 1 229
Of a gazebo at Romar Tower in Orange Beach, Florida (IMG 2646af)

Castle in the Sand

16 Sep 2013 1 3 215
Orange Beach, Alabama (IMG 2555af)

Sand Fortress

16 Sep 2013 182
Orange Beach, Alabama (IMG 2545a2f)


22 Jun 1995 1 163
American Museum of Natural History, New York City. Scanned 35mm negative. (5E022)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

31 May 1988 173
New York City. Two colossal winged human-headed reliefs called lamassu, a lion on the left and a bull on the right that guarded entrances at the royal palace of King Ashurnasirpal II (883-859BC) at Nimrud in Assyria (near present day Bahgdad in Iraq). Scanned 35mm negative (1U021)

Delacorte Musical Animal Clock

15 Apr 1989 152
At the entrance to the Children's Zoo, Central Park, New York City. Scanned 35mm negative (2T012)


01 Jun 1996 148
Car parked on street in New York City. Scanned 35mm negative. (5V023)


01 May 1987 160
Taken from my hotel window near 81st and Central Park West, New York City. 35mm negative scan (1D008)

Checkers Anyone?

01 Jun 1988 161
New York City - In a playground in Central Park on the south side of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The playgound was donated by the Irving and Estelle Levy Foundation in Memory of Irving Levy in 1951. Scanned 35mm negative.

Naked in the Naked City

01 Jun 1988 1 326
Store window in Manhattan, New York City.. Scanned 35mm negative. (3U034) Another Link in the Chain - From one nude statue to another

Van with Statue

01 Apr 1989 208
This van, which I photographed on a Manhattan street, has a statue mounted on its roof. Newy York City, New York. Scanned 35mm negative. (2S024)

221 items in total